Grupo de Investigación en Anestesiología y Reanimación

Área de Metabolismo y Daño Orgánico

Abordaje de pulmón abierto para el manejo respiratorio

Manejo del dolor crónico

Análisis de rendimiento de los ventiladores de atención domiciliaria y UCI (modelo de banco)

Manejo respiratorio en pacientes con ARDS COVID19

Donación controlada después de la determinación circulatoria de la muerte con el uso de normotermia regional perfusión

Determinación de muerte por criterios neurológicos

Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de delirio

Neuromonitorización avanzada de pacientes en cuidados neurocríticos

COVID 19 (SARS-CoV-2) Manejo de UCI

Dr. Carlos Tornero Tornero
Dr. Rafael Badenes Quiles;

R4 Senior

Rafael Badenes Quiles    

R3 Consolidado

Gerardo Aguilar Aguilar
Carlos Tornero Tornero

R2 Novel / Emergente

Rosa Herrera Castro
Nekane Romero García
Mª Luisa García Pérez
Laura García Vargas
Berta Monleón López
Andrea Gutiérrez Valcárcel
Ana Mugarra Llopis

R1 Predoctoral

Mª José Parra González
Jose Antonio Carbonell López
Eva Amores Parra
Ernesto Pastor Martínez
Cristina Crisán Ovidiu
Antonio Guillen Bañuelos


Marian Casas López

Clinical practice and effect of carbon dioxide on outcomes in mechanically ventilated acute brain-injured patients: a secondary analysis of the ENIO study. Robba C, Battaglini D, Abbas A, Sarrió E, Cinotti R, Asehnoune K, Taccone F, Rocco P, Schultz M, Citerio G, Stevens R, Badenes R. Intensive Care Medicine. 2024 Jan 31. doi: 10.1007/s00134-023-07305-3. PMID: 38294526

Correction: Clinical practice and effect of carbon dioxide on outcomes in mechanically ventilated acute brain-injured patients: a secondary analysis of the ENIO study. Robba C, Battaglini D, Abbas A, Sarrió E, Cinotti R, Asehnoune K, Taccone FS, Rocco PR, Schultz MJ, Citerio G, Stevens RD, Badenes R. Intensive Care Medicine. 2024 Feb 23. doi: 10.1007/s00134-024-07358-y. PMID: 38393334

Early management of adult traumatic spinal cord injury in patients with polytrauma: a consensus and clinical recommendations jointly developed by the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) & the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS). Picetti E, Demetriades A, Catena F, Aarabi B, Abu-Zidan F, Alves O, Ansaloni L, Armonda R, Badenes R, Bala M, Balogh Z, Barbanera A, Bertuccio A, Biffl W, Bouzat P, Buki A, Castano-Leon A, Cerasti D, Citerio G, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Coniglio C, Costa F, De Iure F, Depreitere B, Fainardi E, Fehlings M, Gabrovsky N, Godoy D, Gruen P, Gupta D, Hawryluk G, Helbok R, Hossain I, Hutchinson P, Iaccarino C, Inaba K, Ivanov M, Kaprovoy S, Kirkpatrick A, Klein S, Kolias A, Konovalov N, Lagares A, Lippa L, Loza-Gomez A, Luoto T, Maas A, Maciejczak A, Maier R, Marklund N, Martin M, Melloni I, Mendoza-Lattes S, Meyfroidt G, Munari M, Napolitano L, Okonkwo D, Otomo Y, Papadopoulos M, Petr O, Peul W, Pudkrong A, Qasim Z, Rasulo F, Reizinho C, Ringel F, Rizoli S, Rostami E, Rubiano A, Russo E, Sarwal A, Schwab J, Servadei F, Sharma D, Sharif S, Shiban E, Shutter L, Stahel P, Taccone F, Terpolilli N, Thome C, Toth P, Tsitsopoulos P, Udy A, Vaccaro A, Varon A, Vavilala M, Younsi A, Zackova M, Zoerle T, Robba C. World Journal of Emergency Surgery. 2024 Jan 18;19(1):4. doi: 10.1186/s13017-023-00525-4. PMID: 38238783

Effect of aging on the human myometrium at single-cell resolution. Punzon-Jimenez P, Machado-Lopez A, Perez-Moraga R, Llera-Oyola J, Grases D, Galvez-Viedma M, Sibai M, Satorres-Perez E, Lopez-Agullo S, Badenes R, Ferrer-Gomez C, Porta-Pardo E, Roson B, Simon C, Mas A. Nature Communications. 2024 Jan 31;15(1):945. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-45143-z. PMID: 38296945

Anesthetic management of endovascular neurosurgical procedures in acute ischemic stroke patients: a systematic review of meta-analyses. Viderman D, Bilotta F, Badenes R, Abdildin Y. Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion. 2023 Sep 6;S2341-1929(23)00142-7. doi: 10.1016/j.redare.2023.02.007. PMID: 37678462

Artificial intelligence in resuscitation: a scoping review. Viderman D, Abdildin Y, Batkuldinova K, Badenes R, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 Mar 14;12(6):2254. doi: 10.3390/jcm12062254. PMID: 36983255

Cerebro-spinal fluid glucose and lactate concentrations changes in response to therapies in patIents with primary brain injury: the START-TRIP study. Bogossian E, Taleb C, Aspide R, Badenes R, Battaglini D, Bilotta F, Ortiz A, Caricato A, Castioni C, Citerio G, Ferraro G, Martino C, Melchionda I, Montanaro F, Lopez B, Nato C, Piagnerelli M, Picetti E, Robba C, Simonet O, Thooft A, Taccone F. Critical Care. 2023 Mar 31;27(1):130. doi: 10.1186/s13054-023-04409-6. PMID: 37004053

Clinical phenotypes and outcomes in children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome across SARS-CoV-2 variant eras: a multinational study from the 4CE consortium. Sperotto F, Gutierrez-Sacristan A, Makwana S, Li X, Rofeberg V, Cai T, Bourgeois F, Omenn G, Hanauer D, Saez C, Bonzel C, Bucholz E, Dionne A, Elias M, Garcia-Barrio N, Gonzalez T, Issitt R, Kernan K, Laird-Gion J, Maidlow S, Mandl K, Ahooyi T, Moraleda C, Morris M, Moshal K, Pedrera-Jimenez M, Shah M, South A, Spiridou A, Taylor D, Verdy G, Visweswaran S, Wang X, Xia Z, Zachariasse J, Newburger J, Avillach P. Eclinicalmedicine. 2023 Sep 14:64:102212. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102212. PMID: 37745025

Cocaine and ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical evidence. Rendon L, Malta S, Leung J, Badenes R, Nozari A, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 Aug 10;12(16):5207. doi: 10.3390/jcm12165207. PMID: 37629248

Critical appraisal beyond clinical guidelines for intraabdominal candidiasis. Maseda E, Martín-Loeches I, Zaragoza R, Peman J, Fortún J, Grau S, Aguilar G, Varela M, Borges M, Giménez M, Rodríguez A. Critical Care. 2023 Oct 3;27(1):382. doi: 10.1186/s13054-023-04673-6. PMID: 37789338

Disease burden and costs for patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis and chronic moderate-to-severe refractory pain on treatment with strong opioids in Spain. Sicras-Mainar A, Rejas-Gutierrez J, Vargas-Negrin F, Tornero-Tornero J, Sicras-Navarro A, Lizarraga I. Reumatologia Clinica. 2023 Feb;19(2):90-98. doi: 10.1016/j.reumae.2022.02.007. PMID: 36739122

Early sedation in traumatic brain injury: a multicentre international observational study. Russo G, Harrois A, Anstey J, van der Jagt M, Taccone F, Udy A, Citerio G, Duranteau J, Ichai C, Badenes R, Prowle J, Ercole A, Oddo M, Schneider A, Wolf S, Helbok R, Nelson D, Cooper J. Critical Care and Resuscitation. 2023 Oct 16;24(4):319-329. doi: 10.51893/2022.4.OA2. PMID: 38047010

Effect of ketamine on postoperative neurocognitive disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Viderman D, Aubakirova M, Nabidollayeva F, Yegembayeva N, Bilotta F, Badenes R, Abdildin Y. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 Jun 27;12(13):4314. doi: 10.3390/jcm12134314. PMID: 37445346

Evaluation of functional warm ischemia time during controlled donation after circulatory determination of death using normothermic regional perfusion (ECMO-TT): a prospective multicenter cohort study. Martinez-Castro S, Navarro R, Garcia-Perez M, Segura J, Carbonell J, Hornero F, Guijarro J, Zaplana M, Bruno M, Tur A, Martinez-Leon J, Zaragoza R, Nunez J, Dominguez-Gil B, Badenes R. Artificial Organs. 2023 Aug;47(8):1371-1385. doi: 10.1111/aor.14539. PMID: 37042612

Extracellular vesicles: the future of diagnosis in solid organ transplantation?. Romero-Garcia N, Huete-Acevedo J, Mas-Bargues C, Sanz-Ros J, Dromant M, Badenes R, Borras C. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Mar 7;24(6):5102. doi: 10.3390/ijms24065102. PMID: 36982182

Extremely missing numerical data in Electronic Health Records for machine learning can be managed through simple imputation methods considering informative missingness: a comparative of solutions in a COVID-19 mortality case study. Ferri P, Romero-Garcia N, Badenes R, Lora-Pablos D, Morales T, Gomez de la Camara A, Garcia-Gomez J, Saez C. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2023 Sep 7;242:107803. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2023.107803. PMID: 37703700

Heart rate variability for outcome prediction in intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage: a systematic review. Marino L, Badenes R, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 Jun 28;12(13):4355. doi: 10.3390/jcm12134355. PMID: 37445389

Incidence of postoperative opioid-induced respiratory depression episodes in patients on room air or supplemental oxygen: a post-hoc analysis of the PRODIGY trial. Doufas A, Laporta M, Driver C, Di Piazza F, Scardapane M, Bergese S, Urman R, Khanna A, Weingarten T. BMC Anesthesiology. 2023 Oct 4;23(1):332. doi: 10.1186/s12871-023-02291-x. PMID: 37794334

Individualised, perioperative open-lung ventilation strategy during one-lung ventilation (iPROVE-OLV): a multicentre, randomised, controlled clinical trial. Ferrando C, Carraminana A, Pineiro P, Mirabella L, Spadaro S, Librero J, Ramasco F, Scaramuzzo G, Cervantes O, Garutti I, Parera A, Argilaga M, Herranz G, Unzueta C, Vives M, Regi K, Costa-Reverte M, Sonsoles Leal M, Nieves-Alonso J, Garcia E, Rodriguez-Perez A, Farina R, Cabrera S, Guerra E, Gallego-Ligorit L, Herrero-Izquierdo A, Valles-Torres J, Ramos S, Lopez-Herrera D, De La Matta M, Gokhan S, Kucur E, Mugarra A, Soro M, Garcia L, Sastre J, Aguirre P, Salazar C, Ramos M, Morocho D, Trespalacios R, Ezequiel-Fernandez F, Lamanna A, Pia Cantatore L, Laforgia D, Bellas S, Lopez C, Navarro-Ripoll R, Martinez S, Vallverdu J, Jacas A, Yepes-Temino M, Belda F, Tusman G, Suarez-Sipmann F, Villar J. Lancet. Respiratory Medicine. 2023 Dec 5:S2213-2600(23)00346-6. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(23)00346-6. PMID: 38065200

Individualized thresholds of hypoxemia and hyperoxemia and their effect on outcome in acute brain injured patients: a secondary analysis of the ENIO Study. Robba C, Battaglini D, Cinotti R, Asehnoune K, Stevens R, Taccone F, Badenes R, Pelosi P. Neurocritical Care. 2023 Jun 15. doi: 10.1007/s12028-023-01761-x. PMID: 37322325

Neurological pupil index and delayed cerebral ischemia after subarachnoid hemorrhage: a retrospective multicentric study. Bogossian E, Ortiz A, Esposito V, Caricato A, Shinotsuka C, Lopez B, Gianni G, Macchini E, Sanchez R, Pisapia L, Turon R, Goncalves B, Badenes R, Kurtz P, Taccone F. Neurocritical Care. 2023 Aug;39(1):116-124. doi: 10.1007/s12028-023-01744-y. PMID: 37225941

Outcomes in patients with COVID-19 with acute encephalopathy and coma: an international prospective study. Legriel S, Badenes R, Engrand N, Mendoza-Trujillo R, Soulier P, Benghanem S, Pizzi M, Maciel C, Chelly J, Zuber B, Labruyere M, Plantefeve G, Jacq G, Galbois A, Launey Y, Argaud L, Lesieur O, Ferre A, Paul M, Guillon A, Bailly P, Beuret P, de-Carne MC, Siami S, Benzekri D, Colin G, Gaviria L, Aldana JL, Bruel C, Stoclin A, Sedillot N, Geri G, Samano D, Sobczak E, Swafford E, O’Phelan K, Meffert A, Holleville M, Silva S, Alves da Costa MJ, Mejia J, Alkhachroum A. Neurology. 2023 May 30;100(22):e2247-e2258. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000207263. PMID: 37041081

Outcomes of lung and liver transplantation after simultaneous recovery using abdominal normothermic regional perfusion in donors after the circulatory determination of death versus donors after brain death. Campo-Canaveral de la Cruz J, Minambres E, Coll E, Padilla M, Antolin G, de la Rosa G, Rosado J, Gonzalez Garcia F, Crowley Carrasco S, Sales Badia G, Fieria Costa E, Garcia Salcedo J, Mora V, de la Torre C, Badenes R, Atutxa Bizkarguenaga L, Dominguez-Gil B. American Journal of Transplantation. 2023 Jul;23(7):996-1008. doi: 10.1016/j.ajt.2023.04.016. PMID: 37100392

Postoperative critical care admission was not associated with improved postoperative outcomes in elective colorectal surgery: secondary analysis of POWER trial. Suárez-de-la-Rica A, Ripollés-Melchor J, Aldecoa C, Abad-Motos A, Ferrando C, Abad-Gurumeta A, Díaz-Almirón M, Gil-Lapetra C, García-Miguel F, Pedregosa-Sanz A, Esteve-Pérez N, Rodríguez-Jiménez R, Fernandez P, Maseda E. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2023 Oct;27(10):2187-2198. doi: 10.1007/s11605-023-05780-z. PMID: 37550589

Postoperative delirium and cognitive dysfunction after general and regional anesthesia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Viderman D, Nabidollayeva F, Aubakirova M, Yessimova D, Badenes R, Abdildin Y. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 May 18;12(10):3549. doi: 10.3390/jcm12103549. PMID: 37240655

Predicting ICU mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome patients using machine learning: the Predicting Outcome and STratifiCation of severity in ARDS (POSTCARDS) Study. Villar J, González-Martín J, Hernández-González J, Armengol M, Fernández C, Martín-Rodríguez C, Mosteiro F, Martínez D, Sánchez-Ballesteros J, Ferrando C, Domínguez-Berrot A, Añón J, Parra L, Montiel R, Solano R, Robaglia D, Rodríguez-Suárez P, Gómez-Bentolila E, Fernández R, Szakmany T, Steyerberg E, Slutsky A. Critical Care Medicine. 2023 Dec 1;51(12):1638-1649. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000006030. PMID: 37651262

Processed electroencephalogram-based monitoring to guide sedation in critically ill adult patients: recommendations from an international expert panel-based consensus. Rasulo F, Hopkins P, Lobo F, Pandin P, Matta B, Carozzi C, Romagnoli S, Absalom A, Badenes R, Bleck T, Caricato A, Claassen J, Denault A, Honorato C, Motta S, Meyfroidt G, Radtke F, Ricci Z, Robba C, Taccone F, Vespa P, Nardiello I, Lamperti M. Neurocritical Care. 2023 Apr;38(2):296-311. doi: 10.1007/s12028-022-01565-5. PMID: 35896766

Publisher Correction: Early corticosteroids are associated with lower mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a cohort study (vol 25, 2, 2021). Hernandez-Sanz M, Arruti E, et al. Critical Care. 2023 Dec 11;27(1):489. doi: 10.1186/s13054-023-04711-3. PMID: 38082295

Quality improvement in the determination of death by neurologic criteria around the world. Lewis A, Kirschen M, Badenes R. Critical Care. 2023 Mar 21;27(1):96. doi: 10.1186/s13054-023-04373-1. PMID: 36941711

Red blood cell transfusion in the Intensive Care Unit. Raasveld S, de Bruin S, Reuland M, Van den Oord C, Schenk J, Aubron C, Bakker J, Cecconi M, Feldheiser A, Meier J, Müller M, Scheeren T, Mcquilten Z, Flint A, Hamid T, Piagnerelli M, Mahecic T, Benes J, Russell L, Aguirre-Bermeo H, Triantafyllopoulou K, Chantziara V, Gurjar M, Myatra S, Pota V, Elhadi M, Gawda R, Mourisco M, Lance M, Neskovic V, Podbregar M, Llau J, Quintana-Diaz M, Cronhjort M, Pfortmueller C, Yapici N, Nielsen N, Shah A, de Grooth H, Vlaar A, InPUT Study Grp. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association. 2023 Nov 21;330(19):1852-1861. doi: 10.1001/jama.2023.20737. PMID: 37824112

Reply to Farahani, P.; Wahid, L. Comment on Viderman et al. Remote monitoring of chronic critically ill patients after hospital discharge: a systematic review. J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 1010. Viderman D, Seri E, Aubakirova M, Abdildin Y, Badenes R, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 Oct 27;12(21):6797. doi: 10.3390/jcm12216797. PMID: 37959262

Risk factors of extubation failure in neurocritical patients with the most impaired consciousness. De Courson H, Massart N, Asehnoune K, Cinotti R. Intensive Care Medicine. 2023 Oct;49(10):1251-1253. doi: 10.1007/s00134-023-07189-3. PMID: 37610483

THE MANTLE bundle for minimizing cerebral hypoxia in severe traumatic brain injury. Godoy DA, Murillo-Cabezas F, Suarez JI, Badenes R, Pelosi P, Robba C. Critical Care. 2023 Jan 12;27(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s13054-022-04242-3. PMID: 36635711

The Neurological Pupil index for outcome prognostication in people with acute brain injury (ORANGE): a prospective, observational, multicentre cohort study. Oddo M, Taccone F, Petrosino M, Badenes R, Blandino-Ortiz A, Bouzat P, Caricato A, Chesnut R, Feyling A, Ben-Hamouda N, Hemphill J, Koehn J, Rasulo F, Suarez J, Elli F, Vargiolu A, Rebora P, Galimberti S, Citerio G. The Lancet. Neurology. 2023 Oct;22(10):925-933. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(23)00271-5. PMID: 37652068

TRansfusion strategies in Acute brain INjured patients (TRAIN): a prospective multicenter randomized interventional trial protocol. Taccone FS, Badenes R, Bittencourt Rynkowski C, Bouzat P, Caricato A, Kurtz P, Molle K, Quintana Diaz M, Van Der Jagt M, Videtta W, Vincent JL. Trials. 2023 Jan 7;24(1):20. doi: 10.1186/s13063-022-07061-7. PMID: 36611210

Treatments for intracranial hypertension in acute brain-injured patients: grading, timing, and association with outcome. Data from the SYNAPSE-ICU study. Robba C, Graziano F, Guglielmi A, Rebora P, Galimberti S, Taccone F, Citerio G, SYNAPSE-ICU Investigators. Intensive Care Medicine. 2023 Jan;49(1):50-61. doi: 10.1007/s00134-022-06937-1. PMID: 36622462

Using optic nerve sheath diameter for Intracranial Pressure (ICP) monitoring in traumatic brain injury: a scoping review. Martínez-Palacios K, Vásquez-García S, Fariyike O, Robba C, Rubiano A. Neurocritical Care. 2023 Dec 19. doi: 10.1007/s12028-023-01884-1. PMID: 38114797

Utilization of mechanical power and associations with clinical outcomes in brain injured patients: a secondary analysis of the extubation strategies in neuro-intensive care unit patients and associations with outcome (ENIO) trial. Wahlster S, Sharma M, Taran S, Town J, Stevens R, Cinotti R, Asehoune K, Pelosi P, Robba C, ENIO Study Grp Collaborators. Critical Care. 2023 Apr 20;27(1):156. doi: 10.1186/s13054-023-04410-z. PMID: 37081474

Validated HPLC-UV method for amphotericin B quantification in a critical patient receiving AmBisome and treated with extracorporeal replacement therapies. Ezquer-Garin C, Aguilar G, Ferriols-Lisart R, Alos-Alminana M. Biomedical Chromatography. 2023 Dec;37(12):e5749. doi: 10.1002/bmc.5749. PMID: 37727118

Ventilation targets for patients undergoing mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke: a systematic review. Scudellari A, Dudek P, Marino L, Badenes R, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 Jul 26;12(15):4925. doi: 10.3390/jcm12154925. PMID: 37568327

Weaning from mechanical ventilation in intensive care units across 50 countries (WEAN SAFE): a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study. Pham T, Heunks L, Bellani G, Madotto F, Aragao I, Beduneau G, Goligher E, Grasselli G, Laake J, Mancebo J, Penuelas O, Piquilloud L, Pesenti A, Wunsch H, van Haren F, Brochard L, Laffey J. Lancet. Respiratory Medicine. 2023 May;11(5):465-476. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(22)00449-0. PMID: 36693401

A genome-wide association study of survival in patients with sepsis. Hernandez-Beeftink T, Guillen-Guio B, Lorenzo-Salazar J, Corrales A, Suarez-Pajes E, Feng R, Rubio-Rodriguez L, Paynton M, Cruz R, Garcia-Laorden M, Prieto-Gonzalez M, Rodriguez-Perez A, Carriedo D, Blanco J, Ambros A, Gonzalez-Higueras E, Espinosa E, Muriel A, Tamayo E, Martin M, Lorente L, Dominguez D, de Lorenzo A, Giannini H, Reilly J, Jones T, Anon J, Soro M, Carracedo A, Wain L, Meyer N, Villar J, Flores C. Critical Care. 2022 Nov 5;26(1):341. doi: 10.1186/s13054-022-04208-5. PMID: 36335405

Airway management in cardiac arrest and outcomes. Author’s reply. Robba C, Battaglini D, Badenes R, Nielsen N, Pelosi P. Intensive Care Medicine. 2022 Dec;48(12):1829-1832. doi: 10.1007/s00134-022-06888-7. PMID: 36173414

Arterial and Venous Cerebral Blood Flow Velocities and Their Correlation in Healthy Volunteers and Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. Cardim D, Czosnyka M, Chandrapatham K, Badenes Quiles R, Bertuccio A, Corradi F, Donnelly J, Pelosi P, Hutchinson P, Robba C. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 2022 Jan 1;34(1):e24-e33. doi: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000704. PMID: 32555064

Association between benzodiazepine premedication and 30-day mortality rate: a propensity-score weighted analysis of the Peri-interventional Outcome Study in the Elderly (POSE). Kowark A, Berger M, Rossaint R, Schmid M, Coburn M. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2022 Mar 1;39(3):210-218. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001638. PMID: 34817420

Association between race and opioid-induced respiratory depression: an international post hoc analysis of the prediction of opioid-induced respiratory depression in patients monitored by Capnography Trial. Sim M, Seet E, Khanna A, Weingarten T, Liew L, Law L, Liu K, Di Piazza F, Ti L. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2022 Nov 1;135(5):1097-1105. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006006. PMID: 35350054

Cerebral diseases in liver transplant recipients: systematic review of clinical evidence. Dudek P, Andruszkiewicz P, Gelo R, Badenes R, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 Feb 13;11(4):979. doi: 10.3390/jcm11040979. PMID: 35207251

Current positioning against severe infections due to Klebsiella pneumoniae in hospitalized adults. Vidal-Cortes P, Martin-Loeches I, Rodriguez A, Bou G, Canton R, Diaz E, De la Fuente C, Torre-Cisneros J, Nuvials FX, Salavert M, Aguilar G, Nieto M, Ramirez P, Borges M, Soriano C, Ferrer R, Maseda E, Zaragoza R. Antibiotics. 2022 Aug 27;11(9):1160. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics11091160. PMID: 36139940

Early procalcitonin to predict mortality in critically ill COVID-19 patients: a multicentric cohort study. Zattera L, Veliziotis I, Benitez-Cano A, Ramos I, Larranaga L, Nunez M, Roman L, Adalid I, Ferrando C, Munoz G, Arruti E, Minini A, Bassas E, Hernandez M, Taccone F, Peluso L, Adalia R. Minerva Anestesiologica. 2022 Apr;88(4):259-271. doi: 10.23736/S0375-9393.22.15942-0. PMID: 35072432

Effects of remote ischemic postconditioning on HIF-1 alpha and other markers in on-pump cardiac surgery. Garcia-de-la-Asuncion J, Moreno T, Duca A, Garcia-del-Olmo N, Perez-Griera J, Belda J, Soro M, Garcia-del-Olmo E. General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2022 Mar;70(3):239-247. doi: 10.1007/s11748-021-01690-6. PMID: 34378159

Elective surgery system strengthening: development, measurement, and validation of the surgical preparedness index across 1632 hospitals in 119 countries. NIHR Global Health Unit on Global Surgery; COVIDSurg Collaborative. Lancet. 2022 Nov 5;400(10363):1607-1617. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01846-3. PMID: 36328042

Excessive sedation as a risk factor for delirium: a comparison between two cohorts of ARDS critically ill patients with and without COVID-19. Rasulo F, Badenes R, Longhitano Y, Racca F, Zanza C, Marchesi M, Piva S, Beretta S, Nocivelli G, Matta B, Cunningham D, Cattaneo S, Savioli G, Franceschi F, Robba C, Latronico N. Life. 2022 Dec 5;12(12):2031. doi: 10.3390/life12122031. PMID: 36556396

Extubation in neurocritical care patients: the ENIO international prospective study. Cinotti R, Mijangos JC, Pelosi P, Haenggi M, Gurjar M, Schultz MJ, Kaye C, Godoy DA, Alvarez P, Ioakeimidou A, Ueno Y, Badenes R, Elbuzidi AAS, Piagnerelli M, Elhadi M, Reza ST, Azab MA, McCredie V, Stevens RD, Digitale JC, Fong N, Asehnoune K. Intensive Care Medicine. 2022 Nov;48(11):1539-1550. doi: 10.1007/s00134-022-06825-8. PMID: 36038713

Homocysteine plasmatic concentration in brain-injured neurocritical care patients: systematic review of clinical evidence. Lauretta M, Melotti R, Sangermano C, George A, Badenes R, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 Jan 13;11(2):394. doi: 10.3390/jcm11020394. PMID: 35054087

Inhaled sedation in patients with COVID-19-related acute respiratory distress syndrome: an international retrospective study. Coupet R, Schlaepfer M, Neff TA, Boucher P, Bailly P, Bellgardt M, Badenes R, Carbonell J, Becher T, Varillon C, Morand D, Blondonnet R, Constantin JM, Pereira B, O’Gara B, Jabaudon M. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 Dec 20;12(1):12. doi: 10.3390/jcm12010012. PMID: 36614813

Intraoperative positive end-expiratory pressure and postoperative pulmonary complications: a patient-level meta-analysis of three randomised clinical trials. Campos N, Bluth T, Hemmes S, Librero J, Pozo N, Ferrando C, Ball L, Mazzinari G, Pelosi P, de Abreu M, Schultz M, Neto A. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2022 Jun;128(6):1040-1051. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2022.02.039. PMID: 35431038

Non-invasive multimodal neuromonitoring in non-critically ill hospitalized adult patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Battaglini D, Premraj L, Huth S, Fanning J, Whitman G, Arora R, Bellapart J, Porto D, Taccone F, Suen J, Li Bassi G, Fraser J, Badenes R, Cho S, Robba C. Frontiers in Neurology. 2022 Apr 14;13:814405. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.814405. PMID: 35493827

Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation for COVID-19: results from a randomized controlled trial (SAVIOR I). Tornero C, Pastor E, Garzando M, Orduna J, Forner M, Bocigas I, Cedeno D, Vallejo R, McClure C, Czura C, Liebler E, Staats P. Frontiers in Neurology. 2022 Apr 8;13:820864. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.820864. PMID: 35463130

Non-use of information and communication technology as a predictor of frailty in postmenopausal midlife and older women. Garcia-Vigara A, Cano A, Fernandez-Garrido J, Carbonell-Asins J, Tarin J, Sanchez-Sanchez M. Maturitas. 2022 Feb;156:60-64. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2021.05.010. PMID: 34275701

Nuts and metabolic syndrome: reducing the burden of metabolic syndrome in menopause. Bauset C, Martinez-Aspas A, Smith-Ballester S, Garcia-Vigara A, Monllor-Tormos A, Kadi F, Nilsson A, Cano A. Nutrients. 2022 Apr 18;14(8):1677. doi: 10.3390/nu14081677. PMID: 35458240

Oxygen targets and 6-month outcome after out of hospital cardiac arrest: a pre-planned sub-analysis of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (TTM2) trial. Robba C, Badenes R, Battaglini D, Ball L, Sanfilippo F, Brunetti I, Jakobsen JC, Lilja G, Friberg H, Wendel-Garcia PD, Young PJ, Eastwood G, Chew MS, Unden J, Thomas M, Joannidis M, Nichol A, Lundin A, Hollenberg J, Hammon N, Saxena M, Martin A, Solar M, Taccone FS, Dankiewicz J, Nielsen N, Grejs AM, Ebner F, Pelosi P. Critical Care. 2022 Oct 21;26(1):323. doi: 10.1186/s13054-022-04186-8. PMID: 36271410

Perceptions regarding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic’s impact on neurocritical care delivery: results from a global survey. Lele A, Wahlster S, Alunpipachathai B, Gebrewold M, Chou S, Crabtree G, English S, Der-Nigoghossian C, Gagnon D, Kim-Tenser M, Karanjia N, Kirkman M, Lamperti M, Livesay S, Mejia-Mantilla J, Melmed K, Prabhakar H, Tumino L, Rao C, Udy A, Videtta W, Moheet A. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 2022 Apr 1;34(2):209-220. doi: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000825. PMID: 34882104

Peri-interventional outcome study in the elderly in Europe: a 30-day prospective cohort study. POSE-Study group. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2022 Mar 1;39(3):198-209. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001639. PMID: 34799496

Poor timing and failure of source control are risk factors for mortality in critically ill patients with secondary peritonitis. De Pascale G, Antonelli M, Deschepper M, Arvaniti K, Blot K, Brown B, de Lange D, De Waele J, Dikmen Y, Dimopoulos G, Eckmann C, Francois G, Girardis M, Koulenti D, Labeau S, Lipman J, Lipovetsky F, Maseda E, Montravers P, Mikstacki A, Paiva J, Pereyra C, Rello J, Timsit J, Vogelaers D, Blot S. Intensive Care Medicine. 2022 Nov;48(11):1593-1606. doi: 10.1007/s00134-022-06883-y. PMID: 36151335

Prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blind, multi-center, multinational study on the safety and efficacy of 6% Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) sOlution versus an Electrolyte solutioN In patients undergoing eleCtive abdominal Surgery: study protocol for the PHOENICS study. Buhre W, de Korte-de Boer D, de Abreu M, Scheeren T, Gruenewald M, Hoeft A, Spahn D, Zarbock A, Daamen S, Westphal M, Brauer U, Dehnhardt T, Schmier S, Baron J, De Hert S, Gavranovic A, Cholley B, Vymazal T, Szczeklik W, Bornemann-Cimenti H, Domingo M, Grintescu I, Jankovic R, Belda J. Trials. 2022 Feb 22;23(1):168. doi: 10.1186/s13063-022-06058-6. PMID: 35193648

Remote monitoring of chronic critically ill patients after hospital discharge: a systematic review. Viderman D, Seri E, Aubakirova M, Abdildin Y, Badenes R, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 Feb 15;11(4):1010. doi: 10.3390/jcm11041010. PMID: 35207287

SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study. COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative. Medical Journal of Australia. 2022 Jan;77(1):28-39. doi: 10.1111/anae.15563. PMID: 34428858

Ten rules for the management of moderate and severe traumatic brain injury during pregnancy: an expert viewpoint. Di Filippo S, Godoy D, Manca M, Paolessi C, Bilotta F, Meseguer A, Severgnini P, Pelosi P, Badenes R, Robba C. Frontiers in Neurology. 2022 Jun 9;13:911460. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.911460. PMID: 35756939

Transcranial Doppler as a screening test to exclude intracranial hypertension in brain-injured patients: the IMPRESSIT-2 prospective multicenter international study. Rasulo F, Calza S, Robba C, Taccone F, Biasucci D, Badenes R, Piva S, Savo D, Citerio G, Dibu J, Curto F, Merciadri M, Gritti P, Fassini P, Park S, Lamperti M, Bouzat P, Malacarne P, Chieregato A, Bertuetti R, Aspide R, Cantoni A, McCredie V, Guadrini L, Latronico N. Critical Care. 2022 Apr 15;26(1):110. doi: 10.1186/s13054-022-03978-2. PMID: 35428353

Upcoming and urgent challenges in critical care research based on COVID-19 pandemic experience. Verdonk F, Feyaerts D, Badenes R, Bastarache J, Bougle A, Ely W, Gaudilliere B, Howard C, Kotfis K, Lautrette A, Le Dorze M, Mankidy B, Matthay M, Morgan C, Mazeraud A, Patel B, Pattnaik R, Reuter J, Schultz M, Sharshar T, Shrestha G, Verdonk C, Ware L, Pirracchio R, Jabaudon M. Anaesthesia, critical care & pain medicine. 2022 Jun 30;41(5):101121. doi: 10.1016/j.accpm.2022.101121. PMID: 35781076

Ventilation management and outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a protocol for a preplanned secondary analysis of the TTM2 trial. Robba C, Nielsen N, Dankiewicz J, Badenes R, Battaglini D, Ball L, Brunetti I, Wendel Garcia P, Young P, Eastwood G, Chew MS, Jakobsen J, Unden J, Thomas M, Joannidis M, Nichol A, Lundin A, Hollenberg J, Lilja G, Hammond NE, Saxena M, Martin A, Solar M, Taccone FS, Friberg HA, Pelosi P. BMJ Open 2022 Mar 3;12(3):e058001. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058001. PMID: 35241476

Ventilatory settings in the initial 72h and their association with outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: a preplanned secondary analysis of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (TTM2) trial. Robba C, Badenes R, Battaglini D, Ball L, Brunetti I, Jakobsen J, Lilja G, Friberg H, Wendel-Garcia P, Young P, Eastwood G, Chew M, Unden J, Thomas M, Joannidis M, Nichol A, Lundin A, Hollenberg J, Hammond N, Saxena M, Annborn M, Solar M, Taccone F, Dankiewicz J, Nielsen N, Pelosi P. Intensive Care Medicine. 2022 Aug;48(8):1024-1038. doi: 10.1007/s00134-022-06756-4. PMID: 35780195

Analgesic efficacy and safety of local infiltration following lumbar decompression surgery: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Tsaousi G, Tsitsopoulos PP, Pourzitaki C, Palaska E, Badenes R, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Dec 17;10(24):5936. doi: 10.3390/jcm10245936. PMID: 34945233

Cerebral autoregulation in non-brain injured patients: a systematic review. Longhitano Y, Iannuzzi F, Bonatti G, Zanza C, Messina A, Godoy D, Dabrowski W, Li X, Czosnyka M, Pelosi P, Badenes R, Robba C. Frontiers in Neurology. 2021 Nov 16;12:732176. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.732176. PMID: 34899560

Changes in sub-endocardial viability ratio in traumatic brain injury patients. Siwicka-Gieroba D, Robba C, Poleszczuk J, Debowska M, Waniewski J, Badenes R, Jaroszynski A, Piasek E, Kotfis K, Biernawska J, Dabrowski W. Brain Connectivity. 2021 Jun;11(5):349-358. doi: 10.1089/brain.2020.0850. PMID: 33559521

Correction to: Clinical features, ventilatory management, and outcome of ARDS caused by COVID-19 are similar to other causes of ARDS. Ferrando C, Suarez-Sipmann F, Mellado-Artigas R, Hernandez M, Gea A, Arruti E, Aldecoa C, Martinez-Palli G, Martinez-Gonzalez M, Slutsky A, Villar J, COVID-19 Spanish ICU Network. Intensive Care Medicine. 2021 Jan;47(1):144-146. doi: 10.1007/s00134-020-06251-8. PMID: 33263817

Disease Burden and Costs in Moderate-to-Severe Chronic Osteoarthritis Pain Refractory to Standard of Care: Ancillary Analysis of the OPIOIDS Real-World Study. Sicras-Mainar A, Rejas-Gutierrez J, Vargas-Negrin F, Tornero-Tornero J, Sicras-Navarro A, Lizarraga I. Rheumatology And Therapy. 2021 Mar;8(1):303-326. doi: 10.1007/s40744-020-00271-y. PMID: 33411324

Early corticosteroids are associated with lower mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a cohort study. Monedero P, Gea A, Castro P, Candela-Toha A, Hernandez-Sanz M, Arruti E, Villar J, Ferrando C, COVID-19 Spanish ICU Network. Critical Care. 2021 Jan 4;25(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s13054-020-03422-3. PMID: 33397463

Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study. COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative. Anaesthesia. 2021 Nov;76(11):1454-1464. doi: 10.1111/anae.15560. PMID: 34371522

Hemodynamic Monitoring in Patients With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Simonassi F, Ball L, Badenes Quiles R, Millone M, Citerio G, Zona G, Pelosi P, Robba C. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 2021 Oct 1;33(4):285-292. doi: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000679. PMID: 32011413

High-flow nasal oxygen in patients with COVID-19-associated acute respiratory failure. Mellado-Artigas R, Ferreyro B, Angriman F, Hernandez-Sanz M, Arruti E, Torres A, Villar J, Brochard L, Ferrando C, COVID-19 Spanish ICU Network. Critical Care. 2021 Feb 11;25(1):58. doi: 10.1186/s13054-021-03469-w. PMID: 33573680

Hyperventilation in severe traumatic brain injury has something changed in the last decade or uncertainty continues? A Brief Review. Godoy D, Badenes R, Robba C, Cabezas F. Frontiers in Neurology. 2021 Mar 11;12:573237. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.573237. PMID: 33776876

Improved short-term outcomes of kidney transplants in controlled donation after the circulatory determination of death with the use of normothermic regional perfusion. Padilla M, Coll E, Fernandez-Perez C, Pont T, Ruiz A, Perez-Redondo M, Oliver E, Atutxa L, Mancino JM, Daga D, Minambres E, Moya J, Vidal B, Duenas-Jurado JM, Mosteiro F, Rodriguez-Salgado A, Fernandez-Garcia E, Lara R, Hernandez-Marrero D, Estebanez B, Rodriguez-Ferrero ML, Barber M, Garcia-Lopez F, Andres A, Santiago C, Zapatero A, Badenes R, Carrizosa F, Blanco JJ, Bernal JL, Elola FJ, Vidal C, Terron C, Castro P, Comas J, Dominguez-Gil B. American Journal of Transplantation. 2021 Nov;21(11):3618-3628. doi: 10.1111/ajt.16622. PMID: 33891793

Inhaled anesthesia in neurosurgery: still a role?. Badenes R, Nato Consolato G, Pena JD, Bilotta F. Best Practice & Research-Clinical Anaesthesiology. 2021 Jul;35(2):231-240. doi: 10.1016/j.bpa.2020.10.004. PMID: 34030807

Institutional factors associated with adherence to enhanced recovery protocols for colorectal surgery: Secondary analysis of a multicenter study. Zorrilla-Vaca A, Stone A, Ripolles-Melchor J, Abad-Motos A, Ramirez-Rodriguez J, Galan-Menendez P, Mena G, Grant M, Spanish Perioperative Audit Res Ne, Spanish Perioperative Audit Res Ne, Spanish Perioperative Audit Res Ne. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 2021 Nov;74:110378. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinane.2021.110378. PMID: 34144497

Intracranial pressure monitoring in patients with acute brain injury in the intensive care unit (SYNAPSE-ICU): an international, prospective observational cohort study. Robba C, Graziano F, Rebora P, Elli F, Giussani C, Oddo M, Meyfroidt G, Helbok R, Taccone F, Prisco L, Vincent J, Suarez J, Stocchetti N, Citerio G, SYNAPSE-ICU Investigators. Lancet Neurology. 2021 Jul;20(7):548-558. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00138-1. PMID: 34146513

Intranasal insulin administration to prevent delayed neurocognitive recovery and postoperative neurocognitive disorder: a narrative review. Badenes R, Qeva E, Giordano G, Romero-Garcia N, Bilotta F. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Mar 7;18(5):2681. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18052681. PMID: 33799976

Ketamine in acute phase of severe traumatic brain injury an old drug for new uses?. Godoy D, Badenes R, Pelosi P, Robba C. Critical Care. 2021 Jan 6;25(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s13054-020-03452-x. PMID: 33407737

Multicentre observational study on practice of ventilation in brain injured patients: the VENTIBRAIN study protocol. Robba C, Citerio G, Taccone F, Galimberti S, Rebora P, Vargiolu A, Pelosi P, VENTIBRAIN Enlarged Steering Comm. BMJ Open. 2021 Aug 11;11(8):e047100. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047100. PMID: 34380722

Neuromuscular blockade management and postoperative outcomes in enhanced recovery colorectal surgery: secondary analysis of POWER trial. Serrano A, Diaz-Cambronero O, Melchor-Ripolles J, Abad-Gurumeta A, Ramirez-Rodriguez J, Martinez-Ubieto J, Sanchez-Merchante M, Rodriguez R, Jorda L, Gil-Trujillo S, Cabellos-Olivares M, Bordonaba-Bosque D, Aldecoa C, POWER Grp, POWER Group, POWER Group. Minerva Anestesiologica. 2021 Jan;87(1):13-25. doi: 10.23736/S0375-9393.20.14589-9. PMID: 33538417

Outcome prognostication of acute brain injury using the neurological pupil index (ORANGE) study: protocol for a prospective, observational, multicentre, international cohort study. Oddo M, Taccone F, Galimberti S, Rebora P, Citerio G, Orange Study Group. BMJ Open. 2021 May 11;11(5):e046948. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046948. PMID: 33980528

Perioperative management of polytrauma patients with severe traumatic brain injury undergoing emergency extracranial surgery: a narrative review. Picetti E, Rosenstein I, Balogh Z, Catena F, Taccone F, Fornaciari A, Votta D, Badenes R, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Dec 21;11(1):18. doi: 10.3390/jcm11010018. PMID: 35011760

Potentially detrimental effects of hyperosmolality in patients treated for traumatic brain injury. Dabrowski W, Siwicka-Gieroba D, Robba C, Bielacz M, Solek-Pastuszka J, Kotfis K, Bohatyrewicz R, Jaroszynski A, Malbrain M, Badenes R. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Sep 14;10(18):4141. doi: 10.3390/jcm10184141. PMID: 34575255

Predictors of failure with high-flow nasal oxygen therapy in COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory failure: a multicenter observational study. Mellado-Artigas R, Mujica L, Ruiz M, Ferreyro B, Angriman F, Arruti E, Torres A, Barbeta E, Villar J, Ferrando C, COVID-19 Spanish ICU Network. Journal of Intensive Care. 2021 Mar 5;9(1):23. doi: 10.1186/s40560-021-00538-8. PMID: 33673863

Prevalence and risk factors for delirium in critically ill patients with COVID-19 (COVID-D): a multicentre cohort study. Pun B, Badenes R, Heras La Calle G, Orun O, Chen W, Raman R, Simpson B, Wilson-Linville S, Hinojal Olmedillo B, Vallejo de la Cueva A, van der Jagt M, Navarro Casado R, Leal Sanz P, Orhun G, Ferrer Gomez C, Nunez Vazquez K, Pineiro Otero P, Taccone F, Gallego Curto E, Caricato A, Woien H, Lacave G, O’Neal H, Peterson S, Brummel N, Girard T, Ely E, Pandharipande P, COVID-19 Intensive Care International Study Group. Lancet. Respiratory medicine. 2021; 9(3): 239-250. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30552-X. PMID: 33428871

Provision of critical care for the elderly in Europe: a retrospective comparison of national healthcare frameworks in intensive care units. Wernly B, Beil M, Bruno R, Binnebossel S, Kelm M, Sigal S, van Heerden P, Boumendil A, Artigas A, Cecconi M, Marsh B, Moreno R, Oeyen S, Bollen Pinto B, Szczeklik W, Leaver S, Walther S, Schefold J, Joannidis M, Fjolner J, Zafeiridis T, de Lange D, Guidet B, Flaatten H, Jung C, VIP2 study group. BMJ Open. 2021 Jun 3;11(6):e046909. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046909. PMID: 34083342

Recommendations for antibiotic selection for severe nosocomial infections. Mensa J, Barberan J, Ferrer R, Borges M, Rascado P, Maseda E, Oliver A, Marco F, Adalia R, Aguilar G, Estella A, Lopez R, Marcos M, de Molina F, Garcia R, Salavert M, Gomez J, Poliakova Y, Pasquau J, Azanza J, Arevalo G, Mondejar P, Cardinal-Fernandez P, Soriano A. Revista Española de Quimioterapia. 2021 Oct;34(5):511-524. doi: 10.37201/req/126.2021. PMID: 34693705

Safety profile of enhanced thromboprophylaxis strategies for critically ill COVID-19 patients during the first wave of the pandemic: observational report from 28 European intensive care units. Lavinio A, Ercole A, Battaglini D, Magnoni S, Badenes R, Taccone F, Helbok R, Thomas W, Pelosi P, Robba C. Critical Care. 2021 Apr 22;25(1):155. doi: 10.1186/s13054-021-03543-3. PMID: 33888132

Seizures and sepsis: a narrative review. Alessandri F, Badenes R, Bilotta F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Mar 3;10(5):1041. doi: 10.3390/jcm10051041. PMID: 33802419

Sevoflurane Well-Handled in Children Is Excellent, but in the Wrong Hands Can Be Life-Threatening. Herrera Castro R. Journal Of Investigative Surgery. 2021 Feb;34(2):241-242. doi: 10.1080/08941939.2019.1616860. PMID: 31164021

Stratification for Identification of Prognostic Categories In the Acute RESpiratory Distress Syndrome (SPIRES) Score. Villar J, Gonzalez-Martin JM, Ambros A, Mosteiro F, Martinez D, Fernandez L, Soler JA, Parra L, Solano R, Soro M, Del Campo R, Gonzalez-Luengo RI, Civantos B, Montiel R, Pita-Garcia L, Vidal A, Anon JM, Ferrando C, Diaz-Dominguez FJ, Mora-Ordonez JM, Fernandez MM, Fernandez C, Fernandez RL, Rodriguez-Suarez P, Steyerberg EW, Kacmarek RM. Critical Care Medicine. 2021 Oct 1;49(10):e920-e930. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005142. PMID: 34259448

Suppression of electrographic seizures is associated with amelioration of QTc interval prolongation in patients with traumatic brain injury. Dabrowski W, Siwicka-Gieroba D, Schlegel TT, Robba C, Zaid S, Bielacz M, Jaroszynski A, Badenes R. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Nov 18;10(22):5374. doi: 10.3390/jcm10225374. PMID: 34830656

Temporal changes in the epidemiology, management, and outcome from acute respiratory distress syndrome in European intensive care units: a comparison of two large cohorts. Sakr Y, Francois B, Sole-Violan J, Kotfis K, Jaschinski U, Estella A, Leone M, Jakob S, Wittebole X, Fontes L, Gurgel M, Midega T, Vincent J, Ranieri V, SOAP ICON Investigators. Critical Care. 2021 Feb 25;25(1):87. doi: 10.1186/s13054-020-03455-8. PMID: 33632247

The Association of Intraoperative driving pressure with postoperative pulmonary complications in open versus closed abdominal surgery patients – a posthoc propensity score-weighted cohort analysis of the LAS VEGAS study. Mazzinari G, Neto A, Hemmes S, Hedenstierna G, Jaber S, Hiesmayr M, Hollmann M, Mills G, Melo M, Pearse R, Putensen C, Schmid W, Severgnini P, Wrigge H, Cambronero O, Ball L, de Abreu M, Pelosi P, Schultz M, LAS VEGAS Study-Iinvestigators, PROtective VEntilation Network, European Soc Anaesthesiology. BMC Anesthesiology. 2021 Mar 19;21(1):84. doi: 10.1186/s12871-021-01268-y. PMID: 33740885

The effects of arterial CO 2 on the injured brain: two faces of the same coin. Godoy D, Rovegno M, Lazaridis C, Badenes Quiles R. Journal of Critical Care. 2021 Feb;61:207-215. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2020.10.028. PMID: 33186827

The prone position must accommodate changes in IAP in traumatic brain injury patients. Dabrowski W, Siwicka-Gieroba D, Robba C, Badenes R, Malbrain M. Critical Care. 2021 Apr 7;25(1):132. doi: 10.1186/s13054-021-03506-8. PMID: 33827641

The role of non-invasive brain oximetry in adult critically ill patients without primary brain injury. Badenes R, Bogossian EG, Chisbert V, Robba C, Oddo M, Taccone FS, Matta BF. Minerva Anestesiologica. 2021 Nov;87(11):1226-1238. doi: 10.23736/S0375-9393.21.15333-7. PMID: 33938677

The use of different components of brain oxygenation for the assessment of cerebral haemodynamics: a prospective observational study on COVID-19 patients. Robba C, Cardim D, Ball L, Battaglini D, Dabrowski W, Bassetti M, Giacobbe D, Czosnyka M, Badenes R, Pelosi P, Matta B. Frontiers in Neurology. 2021 Dec 20;12:735469. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.735469. PMID: 34987461

Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study. COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative. Anaesthesia. 2021 Jun;76(6):748-758. doi: 10.1111/anae.15458. PMID: 33690889

Usefulness of cerebral oximetry in TBI by NIRS. Barud M, Dabrowski W, Siwicka-Gieroba D, Robba C, Bielacz M, Badenes R. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Jun 30;10(13):2938. doi: 10.3390/jcm10132938. PMID: 34209017

Variability in serum sodium concentration and prognostic significance in severe traumatic brain injury: a multicenter observational study. Harrois A, Anstey J, van der Jagt M, Taccone F, Udy A, Citerio G, Duranteau J, Ichai C, Badenes Quiles R, Prowle J, Ercole A, Oddo M, Schneider A, Wolf S, Helbok R, Nelson D, Cooper D, Bellomo R, TBI Collaborative. Neurocritical Care. 2021 Jun;34(3):899-907. doi: 10.1007/s12028-020-01118-8. PMID: 33009658

What Ingredients are Essential for the Recipe of a Study?. Castro R. Journal of Investigative Surgery. 2021 Jan;34(1):89-90. doi: 10.1080/08941939.2019.1587114. PMID: 31514553

Whole-Blood mitochondrial DNA copies are associated with the prognosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome after sepsis. Hernandez-Beeftink T, Guillen-Guio B, Rodriguez-Perez H, Marcelino-Rodriguez I, Lorenzo-Salazar J, Corrales A, Prieto-Gonzalez M, Rodriguez-Perez A, Carriedo D, Blanco J, Ambros A, Gonzalez-Higueras E, Casanova N, Gonzalez-Garay M, Espinosa E, Muriel A, Dominguez D, de Lorenzo A, Anon J, Soro M, Belda J, Garcia J, Villar J, Flores C, Genetics Sepsis GEN-SEP Network. Frontiers in Immunology. 2021 Sep 7;12:737369. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.737369. PMID: 34557198

Referencia: SUBCOVERWD-19
Título: Severity Subgroup Discovery and Classification on COVID-19 Real World Data through Machine Learning and Data Quality assessment
Entidad Financiadora: CRUE-Banco Santander
Investigador principal: Rafael Badenes Quiles
Duración: 2020 – 2021
Presupuesto: 15.000 €
Referencia: PI19/00141
Título: Modelos de estratificación y predicción en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda hipoxémica con técnicas de inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje automático
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Jesús Villar Hernández
Duración: 2020 – 2022
Presupuesto: 62.920 €
Referencia: PI18/01611
Título: Reducción de complicaciones postoperatorias pulmonares mediante una estrategia ventilatoria perioperatoria de apertura pulmonar individualizada en pacientes intervenidos de cirugía torácica
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Carlos María Ferrando Ortolá
Duración: 2020 – 2021
Presupuesto: 134.007,50
Referencia: COV20/00096
Título: Sedación con sevoflurano en pacientes con Síndrome de distrés respiratorio causado por la infección COVID19
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Rafael Badenes Quiles
Duración: 2020 – 2021
Presupuesto: 21.500 €
+ Información
Título: Delirium en pacientes críticos con infección por SARS-CoV-2
Doctorando: Ferrer Gómez, Carolina
Director: Badenes Quiles, Rafael; De Andrés Ibáñez, José
Fecha: 19/11/2021
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Cerebrospinal fluid glucose and lactate concentrations after traumatic brain injury
Doctorando: Lozano Roig, Angels
Director: Badenes Quiles, Rafael; Maruenda Paulino, Armando; Taccone, Fabio Silvio
Fecha: 30/06/2021
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Efectos de la maniobra de reclutamiento y ajuste de PEEP sobre la oxigenación y la mecánica pulmonar durante la ventilación pulmonar selectiva
Doctorando: Gutiérrez Valcárcel, Andrea
Director: Belda Nácher, Francisco Javier; Ferrando Ortolá, Carlos; Soro Domingo, Marina
Fecha: 06/11/2020
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Anatomía sensitiva de la rodilla. Anatomía e implicaciones clínicas
Doctorando: Orduña Valls, Jorge
Director: Álvarez Escudero, Julián; Quintáns Rodríguez, Maximino
Fecha: 21/02/2020
Universidad: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Título: Rendimiento de los ventiladores de turbina para cuidados críticos
Doctorando: Delgado Navarro, Carlos
Director: Belda Nácher, Francisco Javier; Puig Bernabeu, Jaume; Ferrando Ortolá, Carlos
Fecha: 07/06/2019
Universidad: Universitat de València