Dr. Juan Nácher Roselló

Investigador Principal
Grupo de Investigación en Psiquiatría y Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas


Catedrático de Biología Celular en la Unidad de Neurobiología del Instituto de Botecnología y Biomedicina de la Universitat de València (www.uv.es/biotecmed/neuro), IP G23 CIBERSAM. Doctor en Neurobiología, Universitat de València, estancia postdoctoral en el Laboratorio de Neuroendocrinología de la Universidad Rockefeller (Nueva York). Líneas de investigación sobre la plasticidad del sistema nervioso central del adulto y su implicación en la etiología y tratamiento de los trastornos psiquiátricos. Particularmente interesado en las alteraciones de los circuitos inhibidores y la influencia de las experiencias adversas tempranas en los trastornos psiquiátricos. 150 artículos en revistas internacionales JCR, índice h: 47. Vicepresidente y secretario Sociedad Española de Neurociencia (SENC) (2013-17). 2005-10 Director del Programa de Postgrado en Neurociencias de la Universidad de València. 2012-14 Director del Máster en Neurociencias Básicas y Aplicadas de la Universidad de València. IP 6 proyectos de I+D del gobierno español y varios proyectos de gobiernos locales y fundaciones privadas. IP local, proyecto ERA-NET Neuron. Coordinador de la Red Española de Investigación en Estrés. 11 tesis dirigidas. Organizador de diferentes eventos de divulgación pública de la neurociencia: Pint of Science, Brainshake, Neuromascletá, Semana del Cerebro, @neuronacher en X, autor del libro ‘Neuroregeneración’ (RBA/National Geographic). Traducción: A una molécula de la locura ‘Sara M. Peskin’ (Servei de publicacions Universitat de València).

Dr. Juan Nácher Roselló


Alterations in the volume and shape of the basal ganglia and thalamus in schizophrenia with auditory hallucinations. Perez-Rando M, Garcia-Marti G, Escarti M, Salgado-Pineda P, McKenna P, Pomarol-Clotet E, Grasa E, Postiguillo A, Corripio I, Nacher J. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 2024 Apr 20:131:110960. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2024.110960. PMID: 38325744Early chronic fasudil treatment rescues hippocampal alterations in the Ts65Dn model for down syndrome. Lopez-Hidalgo R, Ballestin R, Lorenzo L, Sanchez-Marti S, Blasco-Ibanez J, Crespo C, Nacher J, Varea E. Neurochemistry International. 2024 Feb 2:174:105679. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2024.105679. PMID: 38309665

Difficulties during delivery, brain ventricle enlargement and cognitive impairment in first episode psychosis. Costas-Carrera A, Verdolini N, Garcia-Rizo C, Mezquida G, Janssen J, Valli I, Corripio I, Sanchez-Torres A, Bioque M, Lobo A, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Rapado-Castro M, Vieta E, de la Serna H, Mane A, Roldan A, Crossley N, Penades R, Cuesta M, Parellada M, Bernardo M. Psychological Medicine. 2023 Nov 28:1-11. doi: 10.1017/S0033291723003185. PMID: 38014924Fluoxetine increased adult neurogenesis is mediated by 5-HT3 receptor. Olivas-Cano I, Rodriguez-Andreu JM, Blasco-Ibanez JM, Crespo C, Nacher J, Varea E. Neuroscience Letters. 2023 Jan 31;795:137027. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2022.137027. PMID: 36566831

Obstetric complications and genetic risk for schizophrenia: differential role of antenatal and perinatal events in first episode psychosis. Valli I, Segura A, Verdolini N, Garcia Rizo C, Berge D, Baeza I, Cuesta M, Gonzalez Pinto A, Lobo A, Martinez Aran A, Mezquida G, Pina Camacho L, Bejarano A, Mas S, McGuire P, Bernardo M, Vieta E, Amoretti S, Aina A, Balanza Martinez V, Borras R, Butjosa A, Castro Fornirles J, De la Camara C, De la Serna E, Etxeandia Pradera J, Forte M, Garcia Portilla P, Gonzalez J, Gonzalez Blanco L, Gonzalez Ortega I, Ibanez A, Madero S, Martinez Sadurni L, Nacher J, Panadero R, Edith P, Fatjo Vilas M, Rodriguez Jimenez R, Ruiz P, Sanchez Pastor L, Rafael S, Sanchez Torres A, Judith S, Trabsa A, Urbiola E, Usall J, Arantzazu Z, Zorrilla I. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2023 Jul;148(1):81-90. doi: 10.1111/acps.13546. PMID: 36912272

Structural covariance predictors of clinical improvement at 2-year follow-up in first-episode psychosis. Saiz-Masvidal C, Contreras F, Soriano-Mas C, Mezquida G, Diaz-Caneja C, Vieta E, Amoretti S, Lobo A, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Janssen J, Sague-Vilavella M, Castro-Fornieles J, Berge D, Bioque M, Lois N, Parellada M, Bernardo M, PEPs Group. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 2023 Jan 10;120:110645. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2022.110645. PMID: 36181960

The Poly I:C maternal immune stimulation model shows unique patterns of brain metabolism, morphometry, and plasticity in female rats. Casquero-Veiga M, Lamanna-Rama N, Romero-Miguel D, Rojas-Marquez H, Alcaide J, Beltran M, Nacher J, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro M. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2023 Jan 6;16:1022622. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.1022622. PMID: 36733452

A polygenic approach to the association between smoking and schizophrenia. Al-Soufi L, Martorell L, Molto MD, Gonzalez-Penas J, Garcia-Portilla MP, Arrojo M, Rivero O, Gutierrez-Zotes A, Nacher J, Muntane G, Paz E, Paramo M, Bobes J, Arango C, Sanjuan J, Vilella E, Costas J. Addiction Biology. 2022 Jan;27(1):e13104. doi: 10.1111/adb.13104. PMID: 34779080Alterations in the volume of thalamic nuclei in patients with schizophrenia and persistent auditory hallucinations. Perez-Rando M, Elvira U, Garcia-Marti G, Gadea M, Aguilar E, Escarti M, Ahullo-Fuster M, Grasa E, Corripio I, Sanjuan J, Nacher J. NeuroImage Clinical. 2022 Jun 1;35:103070. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103070. PMID: 35667173

Altered expression of vesicular glutamate transporter-2 and cleaved caspase-3 in the locus coeruleus of nerve-injured rats. Bravo L, Mariscal P, Llorca-Torralba M, Lopez-Cepero J, Nacher J, Berrocoso E. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2022 Jul 27;15:918321. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.918321. PMID: 35966012

Cortical thinning over two years after first-episode psychosis depends on age of onset. Pina-Camacho L, Martinez K, Diaz-Caneja C, Mezquida G, Cuesta M, Moreno C, Amoretti S, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Arango C, Vieta E, Castro-Fornieles J, Lobo A, Fraguas D, Bernardo M, Janssen J, Parellada M, PEPs Group. NPJ Schizophrenia. 2022 Mar 11;8(1):20. doi: 10.1038/s41537-021-00196-7. PMID: 35277520

Editorial: perineuronal nets as therapeutic targets for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. Browne C, Conant K, Lasek A, Nacher J. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience. 2022 Jun 10;14:889800. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2022.889800. PMID: 35782789

Estradiol regulates PSA-NCAM expression and connectivity of O-LM interneurons in the hippocampus of adult female mice. Perez-Rando M, Guirado R, Tellez-Merlo G, Carceller H, Nacher J. Neuroendocrinology. 2022;112(1):51-67. doi: 10.1159/000515052. PMID: 33550289

How voices change the brain. Two fMRI follow-up case reports. Gonzalez-Vivas C, Valdes-Florido MJ, Garcia-Marti G, Soldevila-Matias P, Marti-Bonmati L, Nacher J, Sanjuan J. Schizophrenia Research. 2022 Oct;248:329-330. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2022.09.016. PMID: 36155306

Impact of stress on inhibitory neuronal circuits, our tribute to Bruce McEwen. Perez-Rando M, Carceller H, Castillo-Gomez E, Bueno-Fernandez C, Garcia-Mompo C, Gilabert-Juan J, Guirado R, Pesarico A, Nacher J. Neurobiology of Stress. 2022 May 13;19:100460. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2022.100460. PMID: 35734023

Is the effect of cognitive reserve in longitudinal outcomes in first-episode psychoses dependent on the use of cannabis?. Amoretti S, Verdolini N, Varo C, Mezquida G, Sanchez-Torres A, Vieta E, Garcia-Rizo C, Lobo A, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Abregu-Crespo R, Corripio I, Serra M, de la Serna E, Mane A, Ramos-Quiroga J, Ribases M, Cuesta M, Bernardo M. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2022 Apr 1;302:83-93. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.077. PMID: 35066012

Long term effects of 24-h-restraint stress on the connectivity and structure of interneurons in the basolateral amygdala. Pesarico A, Carceller H, Guirado R, Coviello S, Nacher J. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 2022 Apr 20;115:110512. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2022.110512. PMID: 35066055

Perineuronal nets: subtle structures with large implications. Carceller H, Gramuntell Y, Klimczak P, Nacher J. Neuroscientist. 2022 Jul 23;10738584221106346. doi: 10.1177/10738584221106346. PMID: 35872660

Phenotype and distribution of immature neurons in the human cerebral cortex layer II. Coviello S, Gramuntell Y, Klimczak P, Varea E, Blasco-Ibanez J, Crespo C, Gutierrez A, Nacher J. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 2022 Apr 8;16:851432. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2022.851432. PMID: 35464133

Polygenic contribution to the relationship of loneliness and social isolation with schizophrenia. Andreu-Bernabeu Á, Díaz-Caneja CM, Costas J, De Hoyos L, Stella C, Gurriarán X, Alloza C, Fañanás L, Bobes J, González-Pinto A, Crespo-Facorro B, Martorell L, Vilella E, Muntané G, Nacher J, Molto MD, Aguilar EJ, Parellada M, Arango C, González-Peñas J. Nature Communications. 2022 Jan 10;13(1):51. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27598-6. PMID: 35013163

The influence of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors on cognition, functioning, and inflammatory markers in first-episode psychosis: Results from a 2-year follow-up study. Pujol N, Berge D, Mane A, Bioque M, Mezquida G, Amoretti S, Baeza I, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Lobo A, Cuesta M, Ribeiro M, Sanchez-Tomico G, Perez-Sola V, Verdolini N, Vieta E, Parellada M, Roldan A, Bernardo M. Psychiatry Research. 2022 Oct;316:114760. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114760. PMID: 35977447

The parietal lobe in Alzheimer’s disease and blindness. Ahullo-Fuster MA, Ortiz T, Varela-Donoso E, Nacher J, Sanchez-Sanchez ML. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2022;89(4):1193-1202. doi: 10.3233/JAD-220498. PMID: 36093700

A longitudinal study of gene expression in first-episode schizophrenia; exploring relapse mechanisms by co-expression analysis in peripheral blood. Gasso P, Rodriguez N, Martinez-Pinteno A, Mezquida G, Ribeiro M, Gonzalez-Penas J, Zorrilla I, Martinez-Sadurni L, Rodriguez-Jimenez R, Corripio I, Sarro S, Ibanez A, Usall J, Lobo A, Moren C, Cuesta M, Parellada M, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Berrocoso E, Bernardo M, Mas S, 2EPs Grp. Translational Psychiatry. 2021 Oct 19;11(1):539. doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01645-8. PMID: 34667144Brain erythropoietin fine-tunes a counterbalance between neurodifferentiation and microglia in the adult hippocampus. Fernandez Garcia-Agudo L, Steixner-Kumar AA, Curto Y, Barnkothe N, Hassouna I, Jahne S, Butt UJ, Grewe K, Weber MS, Green K, Rizzoli S, Nacher J, Nave KA, Ehrenreich H. Cell Reports. 2021 Aug 24;36(8):109548. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109548. PMID: 34433021

Editorial: Animal models of stress – current knowledge and potential directions. Pesarico A, Chagas P, Nacher J. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2021 Feb 16;15:655214. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.655214. PMID: 33664658

Effects of aging on the structure and expression of NMDA receptors of somatostatin expressing neurons in the mouse hippocampus. Gramuntell Y, Klimczak P, Coviello S, Perez-Rando M, Nacher J. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2021 Dec 23;13:782737. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2021.782737. PMID: 35002680

Exploratory study of the long-term footprint of deep brain stimulation on brain metabolism and neuroplasticity in an animal model of obesity. Casquero-Veiga M, Bueno-Fernandez C, Romero-Miguel D, Lamanna-Rama N, Nacher J, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro M. Scientific Reports. 2021 Mar 10;11(1):5580. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-82987-7. PMID: 33692388

FOXP2 expression and gray matter density in the male brains of patients with schizophrenia. Sanjuan Arias J, Castro-Martinez X, Garcia Marti G, Gonzalez-Fernandez J, Sanz-Requena R, Haro J, Meana J, Marti-Bonmati L, Nacher Roselló J, Sebastia Ortega N, Gilabert Juan J, Moltó Ruiz M. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2021 Jun;15(3):1403-1411. doi: 10.1007/s11682-020-00339-x. PMID: 32734433

Induced dipoles and possible modulation of wireless effects in implanted electrodes. effects of implanting insulated electrodes on an animal test to screen antidepressant activity. Perez-Caballero L, Carceller H, Nacher J, Teruel-Marti V, Pujades E, Casan-Pastor N, Berrocoso E. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Sep 4;10(17):4003. doi: 10.3390/jcm10174003. PMID: 34501451

Long term effects of peripubertal stress on excitatory and inhibitory circuits in the prefrontal cortex of male and female mice. Bueno-Fernandez C, Perez-Rando M, Alcaide J, Coviello S, Sandi C, Castillo-Gomez E, Nacher J. Neurobiology of Stress. 2021 Apr 1;14:100322. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2021.100322. PMID: 33869684

No Effects of Acute Psychosocial Stress on Working Memory in Older People With Type 2 Diabetes. Vallejo L, Zapater-Fajari M, Montoliu T, Puig-Perez S, Nacher J, Hidalgo V, Salvador A. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021 Jan 7;11:596584. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.596584. PMID: 33584433

Parvalbumin interneurons and perineuronal nets in the hippocampus and retrosplenial cortex of adult male mice after early social isolation stress and perinatal NMDA receptor antagonist treatment. Klimczak P, Rizzo A, Castillo-Gomez E, Perez-Rando M, Gramuntell Y, Beltran M, Nacher J. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience. 2021 Sep 22;13:733989. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2021.733989. PMID: 34630066

PSA Depletion Induces the Differentiation of Immature Neurons in the Piriform Cortex of Adult Mice. Coviello S, Benedetti B, Jakubecova D, Belles M, Klimczak P, Gramuntell Y, Couillard-Despres S, Nacher J. International journal of molecular sciences. 2021 May 27;22(11):5733. doi: 10.3390/ijms22115733. PMID: 34072166

Training Psychiatry Residents in Descriptive Psychopathology: A Systematic Review. Etxeandia-Pradera J, Martinez-Uribe D, Bellver-Pradas F, Gonzalez-Piqueras J, Nacher J, Aguilar E. Psychopathology. 2021 Feb 19;1-17. doi: 10.1159/000512791. PMID: 33611314

Referencia: RTI2018-098269-B-I00
Título: La matriz extracelular cerebral en la depresión: de modelos animales a pacientes
Entidad Financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Investigador principal: Juan Salvador Nácher Roselló
Duración: 2019 – 2021
Presupuesto: 217.800 €
Referencia: SAF2015-68436-R
Título: Plasticity of perisomatic inhibition on pyramidal neurons of the prefrontal cortex: impact of peripubertal stress and implication in psychiatric disorder
Entidad Financiadora: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Investigador principal: Juan Salvador Nácher Roselló
Duración: 2016 – 2019
Presupuesto: 193.600 €
Referencia: CB07/09/0006
Título: CIBER de Salud Mental (CIBERSAM)
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Juan Salvador Nácher Roselló
Duración: 2008 –
+ Información
Título: Continuous Neuronal Integration in the Cerebral Cortex of Rodents and Humans
Doctorando: Coviello, Simona
Director: Nácher Roselló, Juan Salvador; Castillo Gómez, Esther
Fecha: 30/03/2021
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Estudio de la plasticidad estructural en enfermedades psiquiátricas con modelos animales
Doctorando: Bueno Fernández, Clara
Director: Nácher Rosello, Juan Salvador; Castillo Gómez, Esther
Fecha: 09/03/2021
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Induction of neuronal plasticity during adulthood. Role of cortical interneurons and plasticity-related molecules
Doctorando: Carceller Cerdá, Héctor
Director: Guirado Guillén, Ramón; Nácher Roselló, Juan Salvador
Fecha: 28/02/2020
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Analysis of structural plasticity in the adult and adolescent mouse brain. Effects of erythropoietin
Doctorando: Curto Sastre, Yasmina
Director: Nácher Roselló, Juan Salvador
Fecha: 08/07/2019
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Study of the population of immature neurons in the adult piriform cortex layer ii
Doctorando: Belles Esteller, María
Director: Nácher Roselló, Juan Salvador; Castillo Gómez, Esther
Fecha: 18/01/2019
Universidad: Universitat de València