Research Group on Histopathology and Tissue Engineering

Oncology Area

Our group has two main objectives. On the one hand, we work in the field of histopathology trying to deepen our knowledge of the structure of different tissues in our body. We understand that this is an essential research aspect for the generation of new, more precise diagnostic tools that allow a better characterization of patients affected by different diseases; all this so that, ultimately, it allows us a better therapeutic approach to them.

We also intend to apply tissue engineering methodologies to regenerative medicine, with the intention of being able to transfer, in the future, the knowledge developed from the basic sciences to therapeutics. We work in different normal environments that include skeletal, dental, respiratory tissues, etc. to the development of in vitro study models of pathologies as relevant as lung cancer with the idea of being able to apply personalized treatments based on precision medicine.

Dr. Manuel Mata Roig

Leading, R4

Manuel Mata Roig    

Established, R3

Miguel Puche Torres
María Sancho-Tello Valls
José Javier Martín de Llano
Genaro Galán Gil
Francisco Forriol Brocal
Carlos Tejerina Botella
Antonio Fons Font

Recognised/Emerging, R2

Lara Milián Medina

First Stage, R1

Zakaria Oguir
Lucía Bravo Baranda
Javier Alcácer Fernández-Coronado
Irene Monleón Guinot
Ignacio Peregrín Nevado
Ángel Aguilar Hernández

Collaborating Researchers

Teresa Sagrado Vives

Administrative assistant
Cadaveric adipose-derived stem cells for regenerative medicine and research. Milián L, Molina P, Oliver-Ferrándiz M, Fernández-Sellers C, Monzó A, Sánchez-Sánchez R, Braza-Boils A, Mata M, Zorio E. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Oct 28;24(21):15696. doi: 10.3390/ijms242115696. PMID: 37958680

Computational model of articular cartilage regeneration induced by scaffold implantation in vivo. Marquez-Florez K, Garzon-Alvarado DA, Carda C, Sancho-Tello M. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2022 Dec 23;561:111393. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2022.111393. PMID: 36572091

Functional balance training in people with Parkinson’s disease: a protocol of balanceHOME randomized control trial with crossover. Guinot S, Valenzuela C, Asensi V, Anton C, Navarro M, Tomas J. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2023 Apr 26;15:1137360. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1137360. PMID: 37266404

Low-Dose gamma radiation sterilization for decellularized tracheal grafts. Martinez-Hernandez N, Milian-Medina L, Mas-Estelles J, Monroy-Anton J, Lopez-Villalobos J, Hervas-Marin D, Roig-Bataller A, Mata-Roig M. Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2023 Apr 14;(194). doi: 10.3791/64432. PMID: 37125805

Management of pseudoaneurysms of the internal maxillary artery derived from orthognathic surgery based on one case. Botella-Casas G, Marques-Mateo M, Miragall-Alba L, Rio-Vega D, Gonzalez-Soler E, Puche-Torres M. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2023 Nov 20. doi: 10.1007/s10006-023-01197-9. PMID: 37981623

Morphological characterization of human lung cancer organoids cultured in type I collagen hydrogels: a histological approach. Monleon-Guinot I, Milian L, Martinez-Vallejo P, Sancho-Tello M, Llop-Miguel M, Galbis J, Cremades A, Carda C, Mata M. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Jun 14;24(12):10131. doi: 10.3390/ijms241210131. PMID: 37373279

Paradoxical bulging after botulinum toxin injection. Botella-Casas G, Gonzalez-Soler EM, Cebrecos-Lagandara A, Carrasco-Mariscal J, Puche-Torres M. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2023 Apr;124(2):101300. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2022.09.021. PMID: 36182077

Pediatric morbidity after oral surgery procedures under general anaesthesia: a systematic review. Lopez Velasco A, Carrera Hueso FJ, Silvestre FJ, Puche Torres M, Vazquez Ferreiro P. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2023 Feb;124(1):101262. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2022.08.005. PMID: 35961509

Serra-Pastor B, Bustamante-Hernandez N, Fons-Font A, Sola-Ruiz M, Revilla-Leon M, Agustin-Panadero R. Periodontal outcomes of anterior fixed partial dentures on teeth treated with the biologically oriented preparation technique: A 6-year prospective clinical trial. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 2023 May;129(5):703-709. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2021.07.009. PMID: 34702586

BMP-2 enhances osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived and dental pulp stem cells in 2D and 3D in vitro models. Martin-Iglesias S, Milian L, Sancho-Tello M, Salvador-Clavell R, de Llano J, Carda C, Mata M. Stem Cells International. 2022 Mar 4;2022:4910399. doi: 10.1155/2022/4910399. PMID: 35283997

Correlation between biological responses in vitro and in vivo to Ca-doped sol-gel coatings assessed using proteomic análisis. Garcia-Arnaez I, Romero-Gavilan F, Cerqueira A, Elortza F, Azkargorta M, Munoz F, Mata M, de Llano J, Suay J, Gurruchaga M, Goni I. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces. 2022 Oct 21;220:112962. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2022.112962. PMID: 36306698

Human dental pulp stem cells differentiate into cementoid-like-secreting cells on decellularized teeth scaffolds. Mata M, Peydro S, de Llano J, Sancho-Tello M, Carda C. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Dec 9;23(24):15588. doi: 10.3390/ijms232415588. PMID: 36555228

In vitro effect of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on cancer-associated fibroblasts isolated from lung cancer. Milian L, Monleon-Guinot I, Sancho-Tello M, Galbis J, Cremades A, Almenar Ordaz M, Penaroja-Martinez J, Farras R, de Llano J, Carda C, Mata M. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Jun 17;23(12):6766. doi: 10.3390/ijms23126766. PMID: 35743206

New roles for AP-1/JUNB in cell cycle control and tumorigenic cell invasion via regulation of cyclin E1 and TGF-beta2. Perez-Benavente B, Fathinajafabadi A, de la Fuente L, Gandia C, Martinez-Ferriz A, Pardo-Sanchez J, Milian L, Conesa A, Romero O, Carretero J, Matthiesen R, Jariel-Encontre I, Piechaczyk M, Farras R. Genome Biology. 2022 Dec 9;23(1):252. doi: 10.1186/s13059-022-02800-0. PMID: 36494864

Prevalence and morphometric analysis of the retromolar canal in a Spanish population sample: a helical CT scan study. Puche-Roses M, Blasco-Serra A, Valverde-Navarro A, Puche-Torres M. Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal. 2022 Mar 1;27(2):e142-e149. doi: 10.4317/medoral.25069. PMID: 34704980

Reconstruction of a large columellar defect. Garcia-Herraiz A, Marquez-Can Combining Tilde Ada J, Tejerina-Botella C. Dermatologic Surgery. 2022 Sep 1;48(9):993-995. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000003174. PMID: 34334619

Smoking in hospitalized patients. A great opportunity. Carrion Valero F, Martinez Gonzalez D, Bobes-Bascaran M, Galan Gil G, Ortega Serrano J, Chorro Gasco F, Bobes J, Jimenez Ruiz C. Adicciones. 2022 Feb 16;34(1):13-22. doi: 10.20882/adicciones.1358. PMID: 32677696

The influence of keratinized mucosa on the nonsurgical therapeutic treatment of peri-implantitis. Fons-Badal C, Agustin-Panadero R, Labaig-Rueda C, Sola-Ruiz M, Garcia-Selva M, Font A. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 Jul 15;11(14):4118. doi: 10.3390/jcm11144118. PMID: 35887880

A solitary osteochondroma of the scapula: uncommon location for a common tumor. Sancheza D, Almero L, Rey M. Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria. 2021 Oct;119(5):e562-e566. doi: 10.5546/aap.2021.e562. PMID: 34569764

A standardised approach to the biomechanical evaluation of tracheal grafts. Martinez-Hernandez N, Mas-Estelles J, Milian-Medina L, Martinez-Ramos C, Ceron-Navarro J, Galbis-Caravajal J, Roig-Bataller A, Mata-Roig M. Biomolecules. 2021 Oct 5;11(10):1461. doi: 10.3390/biom11101461. PMID: 34680094

Alginate-agarose hydrogels improve the in vitro differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells in chondrocytes. A histological study. Oliver-Ferrandiz M, Milian L, Sancho-Tello M, de Llano J, Roca F, Martinez-Ramos C, Carda C, Mata M. Biomedicines. 2021 Jul 17;9(7):834. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9070834. PMID: 34356898

Characteristics of mucocutaneous vascular malformations drawn from a decade of a multidisciplinary committee experience. Estebanez A, Puche-Torres M, Garcia J, Cunat A, Canales M, Felix M, Campos S, Canada J, Hernandez J. Dermatologic Therapy. 2021 Sep;34(5):e15074. doi: 10.1111/dth.15074. PMID: 34338412

Chondrogenic potential of human dental pulp stem cells cultured as microtissues. Salvador-Clavell R, Martin de Llano J, Milian L, Oliver M, Mata M, Carda C, Sancho-Tello M. Stem Cells International. 2021 Sep 7;2021:7843798. doi: 10.1155/2021/7843798. PMID: 34539791

Clinical evaluation of antiseptic mouth rinses to reduce salivary load of SARS-CoV-2. Ferrer MD, Sanchez Barrueco A, Martinez-Beneyto Y, Mateos-Moreno MV, Ausina-Marquez V, Garcia-Vazquez E, Puche-Torres M, Forner Giner MJ, Campos Gonzalez A, Santillan Coello JM, Alcala Rueda I, Villacampa Auba JM, Cenjor Espanol C, Lopez Velasco A, Santolaya Abad D, Garcia-Esteban S, Artacho A, Lopez-Labrador X, Mira A. Scientific Reports. 2021 Dec 22;11(1):24392. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03461-y. PMID: 34937855

Correlation between polysomnographic parameters and tridimensional changes in the upper airway of obstructive sleep apnea patients treated with mandibular advancement devices. Camanes-Gonzalvo S, Marco-Pitarch R, Plaza-Espin A, Puertas-Cuesta J, Agustin-Panadero R, Fons-Font A, Fons-Badal C, Garcia-Selva M. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Nov 11;10(22):5255. doi: 10.3390/jcm10225255. PMID: 34830533

Decellularized tracheal prelamination implant: A proposed bilateral double organ technique. Martinez-Hernandez N, Diaz-Cuevas A, Milian-Medina L, Sancho-Tello M, Rosello-Ferrando J, Morcillo-Aixela A, Campo-Canaveral J, Roig-Bataller A, Mata-Roig M. Artificial Organs. 2021 Dec;45(12):1491-1500. doi: 10.1111/aor.14043. PMID: 34310703

Dimensional analysis of the upper airway in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients treated with mandibular advancement device: a bi and three-dimensional evaluation. Marco-Pitarch R, Selva-Garcia M, Plaza-Espin A, Puertas-Cuesta J, Agustin-Panadero R, Fernandez-Julian E, Marco-Algarra J, Fons-Font A. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;48(8):927-936. doi: 10.1111/joor.13176. PMID: 33977548

Footwear outsole temperature may be more related to plantar pressure during a prolonged run than foot temperatura. Jimenez-Perez I, Gil-Calvo M, Salvador-Palmer R, de Anda R, Perez-Soriano P, Priego-Quesada J. Physiological Measurement. 2021 Jul 28;42(7). doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/ac0fbe. PMID: 34186519

High-speed video microscopy for primary ciliary dyskinesia diagnosis: a study of ciliary motility variations with time and temperatura. Reula A, Pitarch-Fabregat J, Milara J, Cortijo J, Mata-Roig M, Milian L, Armengot M. Diagnostics. 2021 Jul 20;11(7):1301. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11071301. PMID: 34359383

IgA-dominant infection-associated glomerulonephritis following SARS-CoV-2 infection. Perez A, Torregrosa I, D’Marco L, Juan I, Terradez L, Solis M, Moncho F, Carda-Batalla C, Forner M, Gorriz J. Viruses-Basel. 2021 Mar 31;13(4):587. doi: 10.3390/v13040587. PMID: 33807151

Impact accelerations during a prolonged run using a microwavable self-customised foot orthosis. Jimenez-Perez I, Priego-Quesada J, Camacho-Garcia A, de Anda R, Perez-Soriano P. Sports Biomechanics. 2021 Jun 14:1-14. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2021.1902553. PMID: 34126852

Optimization of a decellularization protocol of porcine tracheas. Long-term effects of cryopreservation. A histological study. Milian L, Sancho-Tello M, Roig-Soriano J, Foschini G, Martinez-Hernandez NJ, Mas-Estelles J, Ruiz-Sauri A, Zurriaga J, Carda C, Mata M. The International Journal of Artificial Organs. 2021 Dec;44(12):998-1012. doi: 10.1177/03913988211008912. PMID: 33863248

Periodontal behavior and patient satisfaction of anterior teeth restored with single zirconia crowns using a biologically oriented preparation technique: a 6-year prospective clinical study. Serra-Pastor B, Bustamante-Hernandez N, Fons-Font A, Fernanda Sola-Ruiz M, Revilla-Leon M, Agustin-Panadero R. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Aug 6;10(16):3482. doi: 10.3390/jcm10163482. PMID: 34441778

Plantar pressure distribution during running with a self-customized foot orthosis in a home microwave. Jimenez-Perez I, Gil-Calvo M, Aparicio I, de Anda R, Perez-Soriano P. Journal of Biomechanics. 2021 Oct 8;129:110791. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2021.110791. PMID: 34634594

Quantitative analysis of real-time infrared thermography for the assessment of lumbar sympathetic blocks: a preliminary study. Canada-Soriano M, Priego-Quesada J, Bovaira M, Garcia-Vitoria C, Palmer R, de Anda R, Moratal D. Sensors. 2021 May 21;21(11):3573. doi: 10.3390/s21113573. PMID: 34063768

Reproducibility of Skin Temperature Response after Cold Stress Test Using the Game Ready System: Preliminary Study. Priego-Quesada J, Gandia-Soriano A, Pellicer-Chenoll M, Catala-Vilaplana I, Bermejo-Ruiz J, Encarnacion-Martinez A, Salvador-Palmer R, Cibrian Ortiz de Anda R. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Aug 5;18(16):8295. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18168295. PMID: 34444044

Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis guided by ultrasonography: An anatomical study. Torres-Gaya J, Bosca-Ramon A, Marques-Mateo M, Valverde-Navarro A, Garcia-San Segundo M, Puche-Torres M. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2021 Sep;122(4):e27-e31. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2021.03.002. PMID: 33706027

Reference: PI-2021-008
Title: miR-OA: Inhibidores de miRNAs como terapia en osteoartritis
Funding body: Universidad de Valencia – INCLIVA
Principal Investigator: Rubén Artero Allepuz, Carmen Carda Batalla
Duration: 2021 – 2022
Total budget: 19.000 €
Reference: PDC2021-121658-C22
Title: Microgeles bioactivos como soporte inyectable para la regeneración del cartílago articular
Funding body: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Principal Investigator: María Sancho-Tello Valls, José Luis Gómez Ribelles
Duration: 2021 – 2023
Total budget: 69.000 €
Reference: PROMETEO/2020/069
Title: Regeneración ósea en implantoprótesis. Procesos biológicos condicionados por la edad y el género. Diseño de nuevos biomateriales (ROMEN). CPI-20-314
Funding body: Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital
Principal Investigator: Carmen Carda Batalla
Duration: 2020 – 2023
Total budget: 235.145 €
Reference: PID2019-106099RB-C42
Title: Microgeles biomiméticos para el estudio del microentorno del tumor (TME) y la transición epitelio mesénquima (EMT) en cáncer de pulmón
Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Principal Investigator: Manuel Mata Roig, José Javier Martín de Llano
Duration: 2020 – 2023
Total budget: 151.250 €
Reference: INNVAL10/19/035
Title: Dispositivo de taponamiento orofaríngeo desechable no neumático
Funding body: Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación-AVI Generalitat Valenciana
Principal Investigator: Miguel Puche Torres
Duration: 2019 – 2019
Total budget: 68.885 €
Reference: INNVAL10/18/017
Title: Validación mecánica inicial de un nuevo sistema de fijación intramedular para prótesis e internacionalización de la patente
Funding body: Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación-AVI Generalitat Valenciana
Principal Investigator: José Albelda Vitoria
Duration: 2018 – 2019
Total budget: 60.549 €
Reference: FALTA
Title: Cell-free approach for articular cartilage regeneration using autologous and synthetic microspheres as supporting biomaterial (JOINTCART)
Funding body: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Principal Investigator: José Luis Gómez Ribelles
Duration: 2018 – 2021
Total budget: 59.241 €
Reference: SAF2017-85806-R
Title: Mecanismos reguladores de la inflamación y su resolución en enfermedades crónicas articulares y de la piel
Funding body: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Principal Investigator: Mª Carmen Montesinos Mezquita, Mª Luisa Ferrándiz Manglano
Duration: 2018 – 2020
Total budget: 182.246 €
Reference: PI16/01315
Title: Sustitutos traqueales epitelizados generados por ingeniería
Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Principal Investigator: Miguel Armengot, Manuel Mata
Duration: 2017 – 2020
Total budget: 68.365 €
Reference: MAT2016-76039-C4-2-R
Title: Diferenciación condrogénica de células cultivadas en interfases eléctricamente activas
Funding body: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Principal Investigator: María Sancho-Tello Valls, Carmen Carda Batalla
Duration: 2017 – 2019
Total budget: 151.250 €
+ Info
Title: Factores de riesgo de la fibrilación auricular tras la cirugía torácica
Doctoral candidate: Oliva Gimeno, María Desamparados
Director(s): Galán Gil, Genaro; Blasco Cortés, María Luisa; Ferrando Ortolá, Carlos
Date of the defense: 17/07/2023
University: University de Valencia

Title: Análisis del comportamiento de materiales de restauración sometidos a un ensayo de microtracción/ Analysis of the behavior of restoration materials subjected to a microtensile test
Doctoral candidate: González Angulo, Eva
Director(s): Fons Font, Antonio; Casas Terrón, Javier; Román Rodríguez, Juan Luis
Date of the defense: 08/07/2022
University: Universitat de València

Title: Sustitutos traqueales generados por ingeniería tisular
Doctoral candidate: Foschini Martinez, Giovanna
Director(s): Galán Gil, Genaro; Mata Roig, Manuel; Carda Batalla, Carmen
Date of the defense: 06/05/2022
University: Universitat de València

Title: Evaluation of bioactive coatings for titanium surfaces: a proteomic approach
Doctoral candidate: Lages Cerqueira, Andreia Filipa
Director(s): Suay Antón, Julio José; Martín de Llano, José Javier
Date of the defense: 04/04/2022
University: University Jaume I de Castellón

Title: Estudio de las malformaciones vasculares evaluadas a lo largo de una decada en un hospital de referencia con un comité multidisciplinar
Doctoral candidate: Estébanez Corrales, Andrea
Director(s): Martín Hernández, José María; Puche Torres, Miguel
Date of the defense: 17/06/2021
University: Universitat de València

Title: Análisis de la correlación entre la exploración física y los hallazgos en la resonancia magnética en pacientes con disfunción de la articulación temporo-mandibular
Doctoral candidate: Sada Malumbres, Álvaro
Director(s): Puche Torres, Miguel; Muñoz Guerra, Mario F
Date of the defense: 08/06/2021
University: Universitat de València

Title: Comportamiento periodontal de restauraciones de recubrimiento completo sobre preparaciones dentarias sin línea de terminación: estudio clínico prospectivo a 6 años
Doctoral candidate: Serra Pastor, Blanca
Director(s): Fons Font, Antonio; Agustín Panadero, Rubén; Solá Ruiz, Mª Fernanda
Date of the defense: 23/04/2021
University: Universitat de València

Title: Regeneración de cartílago mediante el uso de células madre de pulpa dental humanas (HDPSCS)
Doctoral candidate: Oliver Ferrándiz, María
Director(s): Mata Roig, Manuel; Martín De Llano, José Javier
Date of the defense: 04/03/2021
University: Universitat de València

Title: Efectos de la estimulación mecánica sobre células madre aplicado a la regeneración de cartílago
Doctoral candidate: Salvador Clavell, Rubén
Director(s): Martín De Llano, José Javier; Carda Batalla, María Del Carmen; Sancho-Tello Valls, María
Date of the defense: 04/03/2021
University: Universitat de València

Title: Efectos del entrenamiento sensorimotor previo a la cirugía de artroplastia total en sujetos con osteoartritis de rodilla
Doctoral candidate: Domínguez Navarro, Fernando
Director(s): Igual Camacho, Celedonia; Silvestre Muñoz, Antonio; Blasco Igual, José María
Date of the defense: 11/12/2020
University: Universitat de València

Title: Desarrollo de una nueva prueba diagnóstica para el diagnóstico de la vitalidad pulpar
Doctoral candidate: Paredes Fos, Ana María
Director(s): Forner Navarro, Leopoldo; Cibrián Ortiz De Anda, Rosa
Date of the defense: 02/12/2020
University: Universitat de València

Title: Factores radiológicos predictyivos de accesibilidad quirúrgica a la fosa pterigopalatina
Doctoral candidate: Campos Peláez, Ana María
Director(s): Almerich Silla, Jose Manuel; Puche Torres, Miguel; Blasco Serra, Arantxa
Date of the defense: 17/09/2020
University: Universitat de València

Title: Aplicación de la termografía infrarroja en pediatría: análisis de las alteraciones de la microcirculación cutánea
Doctoral candidate: Benavent Casanova, Olga
Director(s): Núñez Gómez, Francisco; Cibrián Ortíz De Anda, Rosa; Salvador Palmer, María Rosario
Date of the defense: 23/07/2020
University: Universitat de València

Title: Tratamiento de la disfonía por déficit de cierre glótico mediante laringoplastia de medialización con injertos de grasa autólogos. Revisión del procedimiento y sus resultados en una serie de casos
Doctoral candidate: Salmerón González, Enrique
Director(s): Armengot Carceller, Miguel; Tejerina Botella, Carlos
Date of the defense: 16/07/2020
University: Universitat de València

Title: Mechanobiological computational model for the formation and development of synovial joints
Doctoral candidate: Márquez Flórez, Kalenia
Director(s): Carda Batalla, María Del Carmen; Garzón Alvarado, Diego Alexander; Sancho-Tello, Valls María
Date of the defense: 22/07/2019
University: Universitat de València

Title: Estudio experimental in vitro de la unión de dos compuestos híbridos a distintos cementos de resina compuesta
Doctoral candidate: Bustos Salvador, Jose Luis
Director(s): Fons Font, Antonio; Román Rodríguez, Juan Luis
Date of the defense: 05/07/2019
University: Universitat de València

Title: Análisis de los efectos secundarios en pacientes con trastornos respiratorios del sueño portadores de un dispositivo de avance mandibular durante un año
Doctoral candidate: García Selva, Marina
Director(s): Fons Font, Antonio; Marco Pitarch, Rocío
Date of the defense: 03/05/2019
University: Universitat de València

Title: Análisis de la marcha en pacientes con pie zambo tratados mediante el método de ponseti frente a la técnica quirúrgica de liberación posterior
Doctoral candidate: Ferrando De Jorge, Albert
Director(s): Page Del Pozo, Álvaro Felipe; Atienza Vicente, Carlos Manuel; Salom Taverner, Marta; Mínguez Rey, M. Fe
Date of the defense: 28/03/2019
University: Universitat de València