Research Group on Vascular Function
Cardiovascular Area
The aim of our group is to study pathophysiological mechanisms at the vascular level of cardiometabolic diseases, with the aim of detecting new therapeutic targets that have an impact on increasing the patient’s quality of life, with emphasis on pathologies involving insulin resistance such as obesity and type II. In recent years we have focused on the study of the mitochondria in different pathologies and the repercussions that this generates, not only at the endocrine and cardiovascular level but also in other organs and systems. Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, autophagy and mitophagy alterations, mitochondrial haplotypes and inflammation play a very important role on cardiometabolic diseases.
We also study the modulation of mechanisms that may be determined by physiological or nutritional factors and that allows us to go further regarding the scientific knowledge, since they may represent future therapeutic approaches.


Established, R3
Víctor Manuel Víctor González
Martín Aldasoro Celaya
Recognised/Emerging, R2
Solanye Guerra Ojeda
Óscar Caballero Luna
María Pilar Nieto Gil
Lilian Soraya Vallés Martí
Juan Campos Campos
Carmen García Gomariz
Adrián Jorda Valles
First Stage, R1
Clara Luna Marco
Begoña Belmonte Alonso
Andrea Suárez Fortea
Collaborating Researchers
Administrative assistant
Circadian alignment of food intake and glycaemic control by time-restricted eating: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Rovira-Llopis S, Luna-Marco C, Perea-Galera L, Bañuls C, Morillas C, Victor VM. Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders. 2023 Nov 22. doi: 10.1007/s11154-023-09853-x. PMID: 37993559
Effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists on mitochondrial function, inflammatory markers and leukocyte-endothelium interactions in type 2 diabetes. Luna-Marco C, de Maranon A, Hermo-Argibay A, Rodriguez-Hernandez Y, Hermenejildo J, Fernandez-Reyes M, Apostolova N, Vila J, Sola E, Morillas C, Rovira-Llopis S, Rocha M, Victor V. Redox Biology. 2023 Aug 14;66:102849. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2023.102849. PMID: 37591012
Glucose 6-P dehydrogenase overexpression improves aging-induced endothelial dysfunction in aorta from mice: role of arginase II. Serna E, Mauricio MD, San Miguel T, Guerra Ojeda S, Verdu D, Valls A, Arc-Chagnaud C, De la Rosa A, Vina J. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Feb 11;24(4):3622. doi: 10.3390/ijms24043622. PMID: 36835034
Improvement of vascular insulin sensitivity by ranolazine. Guerra-Ojeda S, Jorda A, Aldasoro C, Vila J, Valles S, Arias-Mutis O, Aldasoro M. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Aug 31;24(17):13532. doi: 10.3390/ijms241713532. PMID: 37686345
Deleterious effects of levamisole, a cocaine adulterant, in rabbit aorta. Guerra-Ojeda S, Marchio P, Aldasoro M, Valles S, Genoves P, Mauricio M, Vila J. Vascular Pharmacology. 2022 Jun;144:106992. doi: 10.1016/j.vph.2022.106992. PMID: 35358704
EpCAM and microvascular obstruction in patients with STEMI: a cardiac magnetic resonance study. Rios-Navarro C, Gavara J, Nunez J, Revuelta-Lopez E, Monmeneu JV, Lopez-Lereu MP, de Dios E, Perez-Sole N, Vila JM, Oltra R, Chorro FJ, Bayes-Genis A, Bodi V. Revista Espanola de Cardiologia (English ed.). 2022 May;75(5):384-391. doi: 10.1016/j.rec.2021.04.006. PMID: 34045168
Facilitation of insulin effects by ranolazine in astrocytes in primary culture. Jorda A, Aldasoro M, Campo-Palacio I, Vila JM, Aldasoro C, Campos-Campos J, Colmena C, Singh SK, Obrdor E, Valles SL. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Oct 9;23(19):11969. doi: 10.3390/ijms231911969. PMID: 36233271
Glycated proteins, glycine, acetate, and monounsaturated fatty acids may act as new biomarkers to predict the progression of type 2 diabetes: secondary analyses of a randomized controlled trial. Canet F, Christensen J, Victor V, Hustad K, Ottestad I, Rundblad A, Sather T, Dalen K, Ulven S, Holven K, Telle-Hansen V. Nutrients. 2022 Dec 5;14(23):5165. doi: 10.3390/nu14235165. PMID: 36501195
Ischemia-reperfusion injury to coronary arteries: comprehensive microscopic study after reperfused myocardial infarction. Rios-Navarro C, Daugbouche-Rubio N, Gavara J, de Dios E, Perez N, Vila JM, Chorro FJ, Ruiz-Sauri A, Bodi V. Annals of Anatomy. 2021 Nov;238:151785. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2021.151785. PMID: 34144157
Overexpression of genes involved in lymphocyte activation and regulation are associated with reduced CRM-derived cardiac remodelling after STEMI. de Dios E, Rios-Navarro C, Perez-Sole N, Gavara J, Marcos-Garces V, Forteza M, Oltra R, Vila J, Chorro F, Bodi V. International Immunopharmacology. 2021 Mar 4;95:107490. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2021.107490. PMID: 33677257
PPARgamma as an indicator of vascular function in an experimental model of metabolic syndrome in rabbits. Guerra-Ojeda S, Marchio P, Gimeno-Raga M, Arias-Mutis O, San-Miguel T, Valles S, Aldasoro M, Vila J, Zarzoso M, Mauricio M. Atherosclerosis. 2021 Aug 5;332:16-23. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2021.08.006. PMID: 34375909
Role of antiangiogenic VEGF-A165b in angiogenesis and systolic function after reperfused myocardial infarction. Rios Navarro C, Hueso Soler L, Diaz Cuevas A, Marcos Garcés V, Bonanad Lozano C, Ruiz Sauri A, Vila Salinas J, Sanz Ferrando M, Chorro Gascó F, Piqueras Ruiz L, Bodí Peris V. Revista espanola de Cardiologia (English ed.). 2021 Feb;74(2):131-139. doi: 10.1016/j.rec.2020.03.013. PMID: 32474003
Title: Nuevas perspectivas en la relación mitofagia, autofagia y disfunción mitocondrial en la diabetes tipo 2: implicaciones clínicas y complicaciones cardiovasculares asociadas
Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Principal Investigator: Víctor Manuel Víctor González
Duration: 2023 – 2025
Total budget: 171.820,00 €
Title: Patofisiología de las enfermedades cardiometabólicas
Funding body: Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital
Principal Investigator: Víctor Manuel Víctor González
Duration: 2020 – 2023
Total budget: 207.157,00 €
Title: Estudio de la función mitocondrial, la autofagia y la mitofagia en la diabetes tipo 2: relación con las complicaciones cardiovasculares e implicaciones clínicas
Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Principal Investigator: Víctor Manuel Víctor González
Duration: 2020 – 2022
Total budget: 183.920,00 €
+ Info
Starting year: 2019
Researchers: Artero Allepuz, Rubén; Llamusí Troisi, Beatriz
Doctoral candidate: Abad Jiménez, Zaida María
Director(s): Víctor González, Víctor Manuel
Date of the defense: 22/12/2022
University: Universitat de València
Title: Interacciones de la ranolazina con agentes vasoactivos endógenos y exógenos.
Doctoral candidate: Campos Carot, Elena
Director(s): Vila Salinas, José Mª; Mauricio Aviñó, Mª Dolores; Martínez León, Juan B
Date of the defense: 19/12/2022
University: Universitat de València
Title: Efectos vasculares de las nanopartículas de óxido de cerio en la vena safena
Doctoral candidate: Rueda Muñoz, Cristina
Director(s): Mauricio Aviñó, Mª Dolores; Juez López Marina; Guerra Ojeda Solanye
Date of the defense: 28/10/2022
University: Universitat de València
Title: Study of mitochondrial dynamics and function and autophagy and their relationship with cardiovascular complications in type 2
Doctoral candidate: Martínez de Marañón Peris, Aránzazu
Director(s): Víctor González, Víctor Manuel; Rocha Barajas, Milagros; Martí Cabrera, Miguel
Date of the defense: 20/12/2021
University: Universitat de València
Title: Estudio de los mecanismos de estrés oxidativo, activación del inflamasoma NLRP3 y las interacciones leucocito-endotelio en la diabetes: efectos del papel de la empagliflozina
Doctoral candidate: Iannantuoni, Francesca
Director(s): Víctor González, Víctor Manuel; Rocha Barajas, Milagros
Date of the defense: 22/06/2021
University: Universitat de València
Title: Alteraciones vasculares inducidas por un modelo de síndrome metabólico en conejo
Doctoral candidate: Gimeno Raga, Marc
Director(s): Aldasoro Celaya, Martín; Valles Martín, Lilian Soraya; Mauricio Aviñó, María Dolores
Date of the defense: 03/05/2019
University: Universitat de València