An Artificially Intelligent Diagnostic Assistant for gastric inflammation

Gastric cancer is the fifth most common cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide in both sexes. It affects nearly one million people and, so far, no strategy has been able to significantly improve its prognosis. The cancer causes 783,000 deaths per year and the survival rate for patients in advanced stages is approximately 12 months. Most cases are detected at late stages, so diagnosing people at risk of developing gastric cancer at the pre-symptomatic stage could significantly improve their prognosis.

AIDA aims to create an artificial intelligence-powered tool that will help diagnose precancerous inflammation, enable personalised medical follow-up, make recommendations to monitor the patient’s health status and offer treatment, thus contributing to the prevention of gastric cancer.

AIDA will be shaped by the collaboration of data from different sectors, including research and innovation centres, clinical partners, industry and patients, following European data protection law.


AIDA brings together 12 partners from 8 European countries: Lithuania, Spain, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium, France and Latvia.

The principal investigators of AIDA are Tania Fleitas, from INCLIVA; Javier Gisbert, from Hospital Universitario La Princesa in Madrid, and Leticia Moreira, from Hospital Clínic in Barcelona.The principal investigators from other countries are Kirill Veselkov, from Imperial College London (UK); Tamara Matysiak-Budnik, from the University of Nantes (France); Mario Dinis-Ribeiro, from the Portuguese Institute of Oncology in Porto, and Fátima Carneiro, from I3S (Portugal); Stefano Sedola from Stratejai SME and Zorana Maravic from DiCE patient association (Belgium); Manon Spaander from Erasmus University, Rotterdam (The Netherlands); Marcis Leja from the University of Latvia; and Jonaitis Laimas from the University of Lithuania.

The role of INCLIVA

INCLIVA is the coordinating entity of this international and multicentre project.

The INCLIVA research team is made up of Ana Miralles (coordination and management); Carolina Martínez (pathological anatomy); Rosana Villagrasa, Pablo Navarro and Andrés Peña (digestive medicine); Juan Carbonell (biostatistics); Pilar Rentero (precision medicine); Elena Jiménez, Manuel Cabeza, Josefa Castillo and Andrea Marín (translational laboratory); Sergio Romero (data management) and the oncologists Valentina Gambardella and Andrés Cervantes.


AIDA is funded by the European Union (grant number 101095359) and supported by UK Research and Innovation (grant number 10058099). The views expressed are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority are responsible for them.




Dr. Tania Fleitas




€ 1,138, 750

