The Multigenic Analysis Unit, available at the Central Unit for Research of the Faculty of Medicine of Valencia is intended to offer a technological service of highest level, both to researcher at the university itself and to other public or private institutions.
The Service has an Affymetrix platform, with modern technology and powerful instrumentations, which enables the simultaneous analysis of thousands of genes in a quantitative and reproductive way; it also allows the analysis of expression microarrays, exons and microRNAs, as well as SNP, LOH, mosaicism and transcriptions factor binding site mapping and the investigation of new transcriptional elements.
The equipment is completed by the NextSeq550 massive sequencing platform with Illumina technology. This equipment offers flexibility to adapt to a wide variety of studies such as whole exome and transcriptome sequencing, small and medium-sized genomes, gene pales and amplicons.
The studies that are developed focus on genome-wide gene expression studies of miRNAs from different organisms such as human, mouse, rat, fly, yeast, tomato and plants. In addition, studies of SNPs, LOH, CNVs, mosaicism, tiling and promoter ChIP on Chip polymorphisms are carried out.
The Service has the most advanced microarray system, designed by the leading company Affymetrix. This system, called Genechip®, provides an efficient, reliable and reproductible methodology of obtaining gene information. In addition, this platform allows the possibility of designing your own chip with the parameters and sequences of your choice.
Massive parallel sequencing or NGS offers high resolution at the nucleotide level for the detection of all types of genomic alterations (SNPs, indels, CNVs, chromosomal aberrations) with the added advantage of not requiring prior knowledge of the sequence.
The RNA-Seq technique makes it possible to study the transcriptome with greater sensitivity and precision (gene expression, new isoforms, fusion gene, low abundant transcripts, antisense or long non-coding RNAs).
- Array for traditional gene expression studies for conventional analysis of expression patterns.
- Array for the study of the complete transcriptome (differential expression at greater depth, contemplates trancripts without PolyA ends: LncRNA, lincRNA…)
- Array for the study of alternative splincing (gene expression and exon level).
- Array for small_RNA studies (mechanisms mediated by miRNAs, pre-miRNA, snoRNA, scaRNA).
- Array for transcriptomic mapping (gene expression, altenative splincing, miRNA…)
- Array for the study of DNA/protein interactions. Promoters.
- Array for molecular cytogenetic studies (chromosomal aberrations, submicroscopic, loss/absence of heterozygosity, gains and losses, uniparental disomies and mosaic. Cellular control).
- Whole transcriptome sequencing (Total RNAseq) and coding transcriptome sequencing (mRNAseq).
- RNA sequencing in Low input/Single cell samples
- Sequencing for small RNAs (microRNAs, piRNAs and other small RNAs)
- Exome sequencing (WES)
- Whole-genome sequencing (WGS)
- Targeted sequencing (custom-designed panels, amplicons, capture)
- Sequencing of methylation analysis
- Arrays of Illumina Infinium Methylation EPIC and CytoSNP
- Illumina NextSeqTM 550: NGS sequencing platform that also incorporates chip scanning functionality
- Infinium Starter Pack: Equipment for the preparation of Illumina Infinium Bead Chips
- GeneChip® Scanner 3000 7G. Equipment developed by Affymetrix. It is a confocal scanner.
- Affymetrix GeneChip Fluidics Station 450. Developed by Affymetrix to optimise and standardise the chip marking and washing.
- GeneChip Hybridization Oven 640 and 645. Developed by Affymetrix to guarantee the correct hybridisation of the chips
- Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. Developed by Agilent to analyse the state of DNA, RNA and proteins. It is a capillary electrophoresis.
Phone: 96 386 41 00 extension:55295
Fax: 96 386 49 26