The molecular imaging and metabolomics section of the Central Unit for Research in Medicine of the Universitat de València was born in 2007 to support biomedical and translational research by determining metabolic and molecular profiles in biological samples, mainly biopsies and biofluids.
- Obtain metabolic profiles from tissues, biopsies, biofluids, and cultures using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
- Acquire magnetic resonance microscopic images from tissues and small samples (insects, animal model organs, etc.).
- Obtain molecular images from tissues and small samples (insects, animal organs models, etc.).
- AAnalyze clinical magnetic resonance images using multivariate mathematical models.
- Bruker AVANCE 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer with spectroscopic probes for determination in semi-solid (HR-MAS1H/13C/15N) and liquid (QXI 1H/13C/15N/31P) systems and micro-imaging probes (10mm/5mm/2mm).
- BCU-Xtreme cooling unit for low-temperature measurements.
- Upright ultra-low temperature freezer (-112ºF) for the storage of samples and for longer terms. Cryogenic container with liquid nitrogen (-320.8 ºF).
- Current equipment allows the researchers to work with intact samples (500μ liquid or 10-40 mg tissue) so that, once measured, it is possible to carry out other tests.
- Probes available allow researchers to obtain the metabolic profile in liquid samples with a volume of 500μ (5mm tubes) and with a volume of 50μ (1mm capillaries).
Mustafa Ezzeddin Ayoub
Patricia Almudéver Folch
Faculty of Medicine
Avenida Blasco Ibáñez 15,
Zone 6, Basement – entrance from the ramp of the Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia.
46010 Valencia