Dr. Juan Antonio Navarro Langa

Emerging Investigator
Research Group on Cellular and Organic Physiopathology of Oxidative Stress


Dr. Juan Antonio Navarro holds a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of Valencia. After completing his PhD, Juan Antonio Navarro started a long postdoctoral phase at the University of Valencia. After completing his PhD, Juan Antonio Navarro started a long postdoctoral phase at the University of Regensburg in the chair of Professor Sthephan Schneuwly, where he expanded his knowledge and experience in molecular and histological methodologies for the study of the nervous system. In August 2020 he joined, as a senior postdoctoral researcher, the Cellular and the Organ Physiopathology of Oxidative Stress Group at INCLIVA led by Dr. Federico V. Pallardó, thanks to the GenT Program funded by the Regional Ministry for Health of the Valencian Government. Recently, Dr. Navarro has obtained the 13 certifications of the Incentive Program for the Incorporation and Intensification of Research Activity of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

His research is focused on the study of the molecular causes of neurodegenerative rare diseases with the purpose of identify new therapeutic targets that can help for the development of new medicine and also giving a new use to medicine that is already on the market (repositioning). To this end, it employs the full preclinical potential of the vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a translational biomedical tool.

To this end, it employs the full preclinical potential of the vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a translational biomedical tool.

Dr. Juan Antonio Navarro Langa
Dr. Juan Antonio Navarro Langa


Phosphorylated resveratrol as a protein aggregation suppressor in vitro and in vivo. Mehringer J, Navarro J, Touraud D, Schneuwly S, Kunz W. Rsc Chemical Biology. 2022 Jan 4;3(2):250-260. doi: 10.1039/d1cb00220a. PMID: 35360889

Rabphilin silencing causes dilated cardiomyopathy in a Drosophila model of nephrocyte damage. Selma-Soriano E, Casillas-Serra C, Artero R, Llamusi B, Navarro J, Redon J. Scientific Reports. 2021 Jul 27;11(1):15287. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-94710-7. PMID: 34315987

Reference: PI22/00507
Title: Reposicionamiento de fármacos como tratamiento para la enfermedad de Huntington y la ataxia espinocerebelosa de tipo 3. Estudios en cultivos primarios de pacientes y en modelos animales transgénicos.
Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Principal Investigator: Federico V. Pallardó Calatayud, Juan Antonio Navarro Langa
Duration: 2023 – 2025
Total budget: 147.620,00 €
Reference: 2021095290
Title: Intracellular iron deposits in a Drosophila Model of Friedreich´s Ataxia
Funding body: Center of Excellence ALBA synchrotron
Principal Investigator: Juan Navarro Langa
Duration: 2022 – 2022
Total budget: 51.471 €
Reference: AP-2021-014
Title: FlyAvatar: Drosophila melanogaster como herramienta de diagnóstico molecular para la Paraparesia Espástica Hereditaria 7 (HSP7)
Funding body: Universidad de Valencia – INCLIVA
Principal Investigator: Mª José Martínez Sebastián, Juan Antonio Navarro Langa
Duration: 2021 – 2022
Total budget: 4.750 €
Reference: CDEI0420C
Title: Plan GenT: Drosophila melanogaster as model to study the impact of ferroptosis in Friedreich´s Ataxia
Funding body: Conselleria de Sanidad
Principal Investigator: Juan Navarro Langa
Duration: 2020 – 2023
Total budget: 246.500 €