Detection and Control of Ventricular Dysfunction


– Electrical remodeling: experimental studies on the protective effect against the arrhythmic vulnerability of modifications of the signaling pathways
– Ventricular remodeling: evaluation of the role of microvascular damage, prediction of postinfarction clinical evolution
– Biomarkers: clinical studies aimed at the validation of biomarkers related to the degradation of components of the extra-cellular matrix

Research Lines

– Characterization of the direct electrophysiological effects of the active metabolite of sacubitril
– Study of the modifications of the electrophysiological effects of overload sharp mechanics
– Analysis of the protective effects produced by chronic treatment with inhibitors
– Mechanisms involved in the deterioration of systolic function, fibrosis and the inducibility of arrhythmias
– Development of useful working instruments in the study of cardiac electrophysiology
– Basic research related to ischemia and myocardial infarction
– Prospective and multicenter registry (Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia and Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and Hospital Vall d’Hebrón de Barcelona) of patients
– Prognostic value of geriatric conditions in older patients admitted for acute coronary syndrome

Clinical Groups

Cardiometabolic Research Group on Primary Care (Dr. Jorge Navarro Pérez)
Research Group on Clinical Cardiology (Dr. Juan Sanchis Forés)
Research Group in Care. INVESTENF-INCLIVA (Dra. Mª José Gastaldo Zaragozá)
Research Group on Cardiac Experimental Electrophysiology (Dr. Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó)
Research Group on Heart Failure (Dr. Julio Núñez Villota)
Group on Translational Research in Ischemic Heart Disease (Dr. Vicente Bodí Peris)

Experimental Groups

Research Group on Endothelial Cells (LINCE) (Dr. Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla, Dra. Susana Novella del Campo)
Research Group on Molecular Imaging and Metabolomics (Dr. Daniel Monleón Salvadó)
Research Group on Inflammation (Dr. Esteban Morcillo Sánchez, Dra. Mª Jesús Sanz Ferrando)
Research Group on Nuclear Receptors in Cardiometabolic Pathology (Dra. Laura Piqueras Ruiz)


Dr. Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó

Dr. Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó

Dr. Vicente Bodí Peris

Dr. Vicente Bodí Peris

Dr. Juan Sanchis Forés

Dr. Juan Sanchis Forés