Neurological Decline


– Characterize the alterations in inflammation, neuroinflammation, neurotransmission, function and brain structure associated with the appearance of cognitive and functional impairment
– Characterize cognitive and functional disturbances in detail
– Identify biomarkers for the early detection of cognitive and functional impairment
– Identify the mechanisms by which:

  1. peripheral inflammation leads to neuroinflammation
  2. neuroinflammation leads to functional, structural and neurotransmission alterations in the brain
  3. brain disorders lead to cognitive and functional impairment

-Identify therapeutic targets to reverse or prevent cognitive and functional impairment
– Design and test new therapeutic procedures to reverse or prevent cognitive and functional impairment

Research Lines

– Develop new early diagnostic procedures for cognitive and functional impairment
– Try to transfer the new diagnostic procedures developed to clinical practice
– Evaluate in patients the efficacy and usefulness of new therapeutic procedures to prevent or reverse cognitive and functional impairment that has been effective in animal models
– Transfer to clinical practice the new validated therapeutic procedures

Clinical Group

Associated Clinical Group in Digestive Medicine (Dr. Miguel Mínguez Pérez)
Research Group on the Study of Cardiometabolic and Renal Risk (Dr. Josep Redón i Mas)
Research Group on Anesthesiology and Reanimation (Dr. Carlos Tornero Tornero)
Research Group in Care. INVESTENF-INCLIVA (Dra. Mª José Gastaldo Zaragozá)

Experimental Groups

Research Group on Neurological Impairment (Dra. Carmina Montoliu Félix)
Research Group on Personal Autonomy, Dependence and Severe Mental Disorders (Dr. Rafael Tabarés Seisdedos)
Research Group on Aging and Physical Activity (Dr. José Viña Ribes)
Research Group on Inflammation (Dr. Esteban Morcillo Sánchez, Dra. Mª Jesús Sanz Ferrando)

Clinical Services Associated to the Program

Department of Digestive Medicine (Dr. Miguel Mínguez Pérez,
Dr. Amparo Escudero García)
Department of Neurophysiology (Dr. Paula Cases Bergón)

University Department Associated with the Program

Biology Unit. Department of Pathology (Dr. Concepción López


Dr. Camina Montoliu

Dra. Carmina Montoliu Félix

Dr. Vicente Felipo